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Ronald Petlyakov

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  1. Hi, I want to see if there are others feeling the same about the new system of exchanging your lindens into rl currency being such a failure. I used third party banks in the past and it was painless. I had good rates and money on my account on the same or next day. Now the Lindens have laid their paw on it, so I sold it via lindenx or whatever you call that piece of crap scam of a system. It's been two weeks now and no money on my paypal yet. All it shows that a transaction is wired to arrive at some point(who knows when). My problem here is that the new service feels like its a big scam. We have to pay a fee to lindens for selling OUR money. They take the cream of top of the transaction for seeing it through and I assumed that they will in exchange transfer me what is rightuly mine, right? Wrong. Its two weeks now that I can only assume they are using that money on stock exchange or what not. I can only assume there are others that feel like this, cheated by lindens who advertised a 'safer' exchange system but in return they will drive the users to grey area banks and exchange systems to exchange their lindens perhaps illegally by the TOS terms but at least without an unnecessary hussle. End of rant.
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