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Tondy Treves

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Blog Comments posted by Tondy Treves

  1. Cerulean, I completely agree! Thank you for posting so eloquently my concerns!

    I came across a sim the other day, while shopping for something else entirely, that made me sit back in horror! (And I'm not easy to shock!) I actually had to report this sim to LL. I doubt they will care, but I had to voice my concerns. To think that a teen can stumble into this sim as well absolutely terrifies me!

    And yes, although LL says there are safeguards, there is still the possibility of free roam. I ran into a 15 year old one day last year wandering around the square on a mature sim. I was intrigued to learn this child was on the grid for a school function. I reported their whereabouts.

    I'd love to welcome the teens to the grid, but I'm simply not happy about this.  This really has been a place for ADULTS to live their second lives and that is about to change.

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