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Ceilidh Noel

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Posts posted by Ceilidh Noel

  1. 29 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    the easiest way would just be to make them invisible; if it were me, I'd have the attached food item say something like "I'm food item #2" (but in a way that's easier to parse) then when the tray hears it, turn that link#* invisible. (Actually I'd have a list which translates food# to link#, I.E llList2Integer(gFoodLinks,N) == <the link number for the Nth food item>)


    okay.. that sounds like a solution. and i understand how it would work.

    i'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this.

    thank you!!

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  2. this is great! thank you both for pointing me in the right direction!

    i'm finally at the point where i'm learning how to use blender (thanks to the builder's brewery classes i've been taking!) and  i feel comfy enough to tackle these projects from a scripting perspective. your tips will be invaluable to me, so i really appreciate it.

    for the server tray, ideally i'd like the food on the tray to be removed from the tray as someone takes a glass or hors d'ouvre from it. i have a plate of sample cookies i sit out at my cafe where people can take a cookie and it leaves the tray, but i wasn't sure how to do this when another av is actually holding the tray.

    i have a few auto-attaching dispensers now and instead of rezzing the item, i just added it to myself and tested it with some friends to see if the food attached to them and it worked! now  i just need to figure out how to have whatever they select also disappear from the tray.

    once again, thank you both for this insight, it'll help me a lot. i just have to learn how to use blender so i can create the objects i need for questions #1 and #2, but at least now i know how these tasks can be accomplished. your help is much appreciated!


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  3. hi everyone!

    i have a couple of questions and i hope this is the right place to ask them, but i think it is scripting-related.  i have some scripting knowledge, and i know i could hire a scripter, but i want to try to make it myself so i learn and get better at scripting.

    #1. i'd like to make some drink dispensers that would show a glass being filled up. like a lemonade machine where the glass drops down, you can see and hear it being filled and then the finished glass auto-attaches to them.

    #2.  i would like to have food or drinks that disappear as the person is eating/drinking it. i've seen this before with various products, but i can't figure out how it's accomplished.

    #3. which script would i need that allows someone to hold a tray of food that can then be touched by another av to auto-attach food/drinks to that person? i'd like to use these for severs at parties to hold trays where the food can be clicked and auto-attached.

    i know it's a lot, but if anyone could point me in the right direction of the processes behind the aforementioned things, i'd really appreciate it. i don't necessarily want someone to make the scripts for me, because i'll never learn that way... just more so how these things are accomplished so i have a direction to go in. but, if anyone knows of any existing LSL scripts that can do these things then i'd appreciate those, too. lol i don't need to reinvent the wheel.




  4. 7 hours ago, Quistessa said:

    There's a full-perm bag of popcorn floating around that has a full-perm eating from the bag animation. I think I picked it up in a sim that was modeled after Paris or some other RL city.

    i did see one that was like sorta anim for eating out of a bag. it wasn't bento and it also seemed to be a sitting on the ground with legs  splayed out sorta sitting down. that wasn't quite what i was looking for.


    i did have someone contact me about the primary anim i need which is the straw drink animation. we're working on perfecting it.


    thanks for your response!

  5. hi everyone!

    i create foods/drinks for for sale for the Xeolife HUD and i really, REALLY need a drinking animation that is appropriate to use for an item that requires a straw.

    all the animations i have found for drinking are like cup animations, so a straw in the drink just jabs you in the eye.

    i also need an animation for eating out of a bag for like cookies or chips, (but first i need the drink straw animation).

    if you're an animator, please reply here or message me inworld, Ceilidh Noel

    thanks in advance!

  6. 1 hour ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    Are you sure that, in this other build, you're not in fact touching a window that is scripted to deliver whatever is behind it?    If it's one window to an item, that's how I'd do it.

    You think you're touching the item itself, but in fact you're touching the window in front of it, and the object is simply cosmetic.


    no, it's not the window in front of it. it passes through to click whatever is behind it. because when you change the transparency or texture, you're no longer able to click what's behind it.

  7. 1 hour ago, Candide LeMay said:

    The only time I've managed to click "through" something was when the something was 100% alpha in the point of the touch (which rather defeats the porpoise of visible glass cover).

    i have used the Saten cafe set by Roiro, and you can click through the glass, and the glass looks like glass (not just completely transparent)... unfortunately that set doesn't work with the aesthetic of the cafe i'm currently building. so i know it can be done and still look like glass, i just haven't figured out why i can't. a friend of mine came by to take a look at it, and she says it has a high LOD which could be making it harder/impossible to click through.

    i really have no idea and i'm still learning.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    The reason it's not working is that the counter is clearly a solid object as far as the simulator is concerned (for these purposes, the simulator sees things in wireframe, and doesn't know what's transparent and what isn't).   The simulator knows you've got a big box called "counter" superimposed on a lot of little boxes called "cookies" and "donuts".   It doesn't know whether you can see the donuts or not -- it just registers that you're touching the counter.

    So, my suggestion would be to make the whole counter phantom, if you can.   That way the simulator ignores any touches or collisions that occur to the counter.    And if you then want to make sure people don't walk through your counter, then protect it with some ordinary prims set to transparent, protecting the counter top and sides, but not the glass.

    i am so close to just taking a bat to this display glass, i swear! lol all of your suggestions really, really sound like they should do the trick, but for some reason it's not letting me still. and i'm sure it's just one simple little thing that's stopping it from being click-through. i made the entire linkset phantom, so i can walk through it now, the glass itself is set to physics shape "none" and i still can't click through.

    i did send a message to the creator of the glass, maybe he has a solution. if he gets back to me, or i figure out how to get the glass to be click-through, then i'll post my findings here.

    thanks for all your help. even though i still can't click through the glass, you taught me some valuable things, so i appreciate that!

  9. 13 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    That makes me wonder about the physics of the case itself.    I can't really comment without seeing the build but I suspect the frame itself is (as far as the simulator is concerned, that is) a solid object rather than a frame surrounding empty space.

    That being the case, you might have better luck with a menu (or a different counter, of course).

    i checked the counter and at first it was convex hull physics shape type. then i changed it to "prim' and neither made a difference. i'm not sure if it is a solid object or a frame surrounded by empty space. i did try to unlink the display and link it to a simple cube i created so see if that would somehow make it click-through, but it didn't either.

    i really appreciate you trying to help me. i suppose i could get a different counter, but i have a tight prim allotment where the cafe is going and this one is pretty low prim (while looking nice). i'm just not sure why it's not working. i've clicked through other display glass before, so i know it's possible,  i just have to get to the bottom of this lol

    thank you so much for your help and suggestions!


  10. 4 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    If you simply want to be able to reach through the glass, to click on particular items inside, then assuming that the glass faces are on a child link rather than the root prim, I would suggest simply setting the link containing glass faces to prim physics type none (and if they were part of the root, I would relink the object to make the glass face link a child in the set). 

    I'm not sure pass touches is the way to go -- that affects whether touches to child prims are passed on to scripts in the root prim, which doesn't sound like the problem here.

    An alternative approach might be to have a menu linked to your cafe display counter, and use llDetectedTouchFace and llDetectedTouchSV or llDetectedTouchUV to tell which item on the menu the cafe customer touches (any experienced scripter could help you with this, or you could ask for help in the scripting forum -- once someone has explained the method, it's pretty straightforward to implement).

    hi! upon further research, it does appear that the pass touch function wouldn't necessarily apply to what i'm trying to do. but, i did learn about a new LSL function so that was helpful!

    previously i had unlinked the display glass so i could work on it alone, so it became its own root prim. i have now relinked it to the rest of the counter (like it was before with the glass as a child link) and i edit linked the glass only to make that prim's physics shape "none". unfortunately, i still can't click through the glass.  :(

    also, thanks for the suggestion about the menu!


    • Thanks 1
  11. hi everyone....

    i have a cafe display counter that i'd like to put my items for sale on. but, i can't click through the glass. is there a way to modify the existing glass or create click-through glass without making it 100% transparent? i tried making it phantom and it didn't work.



  12. i had no idea what the cost would be. but i wrote out a detailed notecard explaining what i need/would like. he quoted the L8,000,  then after we worked out more details i found out the rezzer and de-rez aspect would increase the price. but we agreed on the work he would be willing to do at the L$8,000 price. i'm ok with the system he started, it's just not completed so i was looking into other options so i could get up and running. if the L$8000 project was finished, i'd be a happy camper because i can work with that.

    i do have what he sent me, i'm just not entirely sure what else needs to be done to get it complete. now i'm a little worried i have to start from scratch again. :(  or approach it in an entirely different way.

    once again, i appreciate the insight!

    • Like 1
  13. hi Rolig,

    thank you for taking the time to respond to me. the scriptor actually got like 90% of the work to me pretty fast, like the next day sorta fast. his price for including the rezzer and the ability to de-rez items would have been L$20,000 and that was waaaaay more than i wanted to spend. however, he said i could get a full-perm multi-item rezzer and then everything would be only L$8000 for what he needed to do. i have the rezzer, but i haven't heard back from him to complete it. so i have a half completed item, and people still have to pay for each item they want to attach/rez. which isn't really what i wanted. but i'm not ragging on him or anything, and i do know things can come up in real life. it's just been 20 days since last communication, but i sent him two gentle reminders that i'd like to progress.

    i am familiar with a tiny bit of basic scripting, so everything you suggested doesn't sound impossible to me. i can understand how it should work. but, like you said, it's the fiddly bits, especially with people  having to pay... i really want to get it right and create a nice experience for people.

    the HUD idea is excellent! lol although i don't know how to implement it necessarily, and me figuring it out just take more time away from actually being fully open.

    but, i'll take all the suggestions you gave me, at least i have a direction to go because i may need to have to do this myself.

    i really appreciate your input. thanks!

  14. hi everyone,

    i hope i'm asking this in the right place, but i figured this would be a scripting question. i've opened a cafe and i need a solution for the menu offerings. i hired a scriptor (and paid), but i haven't heard from him in 20 days and i really need to progress on the project.

    i need something like a tabletop menu that people can click which will provide them a drop down menu of what's available. some of the foods will need to be rezzed in front of them and eaten with a spoon/fork etc).. while other foods will be eaten out of hand. i'd like the handheld items like drinks or sandwiches to be auto-attach.

    i have full-perm foods i'll be using, but i need to figure out a way to:

    A) charge for the items

    B) something that could accommodate different animations depending on what's being eaten and different ways of eating it (on a table vs hand-held) and attach proper utensils and dishes.

    C) able to rez different objects like tea trays, drinks, foods on plates etc.

    i have Experiences available to me on the sim, but i'm honestly at my wit's end on figuring out how to accomplish these things. and, like i've said, i haven't heard from the scriptor i hired in 20 days to complete the project. i've looked at placemat rezzers on the marketplace, but nothing really mentions paying for the items. nothing from the rezzers will go into their inventory (i have a grab n go fridge for to-go foods), but if anyone has any suggestions on how to accomplish this, i'd be eternally grateful. also, i don't necessarily want people to have to pay for each item, more so pay to interact with the menu while they're there. so they don't end up having to pay at each "course" or each item they want to try (like paying for water, then paying separately for the sandwich, then paying for dessert separately). the price would include use of the menu while they're there.

    any help, suggestion or insight would be appreciated. every week i'm paying for an unscripted cafe that no one can use because i have nothing to serve them. also, it's a XeoLife-enabled cafe, so the items will improve a user's stats.

    please help!

    thanks in advance....

    -Ceilidh Noel

  15. hi again..

    i am SO pleased with the huge influx of responses to my request for DJs and Hosts/Promoters. Due to the influx of inworld IMs i'm receiving from this post, i'd now like potential applicants to leave me a notecard regarding these positions. i know notecards are a pain, but my IMs are getting capped and i want to make sure i am able to get back to everyone.

    i've selected a few DJs and a couple of hosts.. i still need a good promoter so please leave me a notecard with *promoter* as the subject title.

    thanks again everyone for contacting me.. just don't forget.. notecards, notecards notecards.. no more IMs until i respond back to you.

  16. Hi everyone. I own a Resort Hotel & Spa with a detached club/lounge on the property. We only opened our doors a couple of months ago and renting guests have been requesting a schedule of live entertainment lately. Considering that it wasn't my intention to have a *club* per se, I am not familiar with this aspect of Second Life. I would like to ultimately have daily entertainment (so this is an opportunity for more than one promoter or DJ) and to host themed parties, but we can start with weekend entertainment. Our current events are well-attended, but I'd like to see it go to the next level. DJs: Must have your own stream. The use of voice or not is at your discretion. I don't require DJs to speak during their sets, but I also don't mind it. Any tips you earn are yours to keep, Sim-Sational Estates does not take a percentage. Seeing how we are new, you will receive a L$ stipend for each set (in addition to your tips). The ability to invite guests and pack a house is a plus! I have a variety of musical interests and an international clientele so all languages and musical genres are welcomed. Promoters/Hostesses: Because we're so new, I need help getting our name out there and bringing people to our events. Your job will be to invite people to our Group, attract/greet party goers and promote our Club/Lounge. All tips you earn during an event are yours to keep and you will receive an L$ stipend for each event. A salaried position is also a possibility. If you are interested, please contact Ceilidh Noel inworld via notecard or IM and I will respond shortly. To view the property, please see the 2nd Pick in my profile. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to hearing from you soon! -Ceilidh Noel
  17. sorry for the delay. i was away from the computer today. the *ins* key was the culprit.. i won't even lie, i had never seen that key before. on my laptop it's on the 0 key on the number pad. thank you both, you guys saved my sanity. btw, i had no idea where to post this, but i'm glad you two helped me out!

  18. hello.. i'm having a problem editing notecards that i've made myself. i made a few notecards for my hotel rooms and some of the cards can be copied (either by taking a copy or cutting and pasting the text) so i don't have to make a whole new notecard for each room. the problem is, whenever i go to actually make changes to a new notecard (with cut and pasted or newly composed text) it starts to type over the already present text. whenever i hit enter to make a paragraph break, it will eat up the current text letter by letter. space bar even types over/eats up the text until i basically have to type the whole damn thing again. this has only been happening for a few days and i've made/edited/copied notecards up until now with no problem. it doesn't matter if i make a new notecard and even start typing from scratch. if i make a mistake and want to insert some text or make a correct, when i use the space bar or the enter key it still types over anything in its way. any help would be appreciated, i really need to get these notecards done. thanks
  19. i totally see what you mean. i always pick land to build on (for myself personally).. that does not have very restrictive covenants. i hate restriction, maybe it's just in my neighbour, so i only get land with places where i personally agree witht he covenant. i only have like 4 rules to my hotel and only one of them i found out i had to add after an unfortunate incident. i am BDSM friendly in RL so i tend to make my sims with that same freedom of expression.

    i wouldn't build anything anywhere i wouldn't want to live.. unless it has been for other people, then i just design what they want. it's not really my business to care about a client's covenant as long as it remains in the parameters of it.

    i honestly just like building and i have two sims currently. i have an incurable urge to keep designing and building. everyone always asks me why don't i design some sims that people can live in.. so here i go!

    thank you for the well wishes of success for me, i just like designing and landscaping, and this hotel was SO fun to build, it's the coolest thing i've done on SL since i joined almost 8 years ago. i'm very proud of it and i would like people to enjoy it. if they rent, i don't care.. if they do.. great! but i want to see people enjoying what i spend so much time on.

    thank you again for your help.. take care! and you're welcome at the Resort whenever you want. just IM me inworld and i'll make sure to reserve a room for you whenever you want and add you to the VIP list.

  20. thanks for your reply.

    i am not really looking to be in the lowest price range rental spectrum.

    i have event/wedding hosting, live DJs for certain days or maybe eventually weekly, very nicely decorated rooms, quality group-only freebies soon and a lot of space for people to explore and enjoy.

    i had my grand opening gala on Thursday of last week and it was so well-attended i offered people 2 weeks of free use of the hotel before i put security into the rooms.

    so i have about a week to price the rooms fairly.

    i wanted more of a community-style living place. and yes, it may cost more than the suggestions on the thread you showed me, but i do not want to go the 25L or 60L a week route. it's currently a mix of public/group only access. the rooms will soon be for paying guests only.

    i'd rather make the land group only and charge a nominal fee to have access to it than strive to be the cheapest rentals available. it's not a tiny, isolated skybox situation which would justify the lower cost. i just want people to enjoy the land and people who want to rent then they can. if not, that's ok too. i would just like to see people using and enjoying it.

    i was thinking in the 1.6 - 2.00 per prim per week range for the rentals.

    thank you for your response, though... i appreciate it.

  21. hello everyone,

    if my question is posed in the wrong sub-category, i apologize and please feel free to move it.

    ok, a little about my dilemma. i have a 1/2 full region sim that i do not *own* the land, i am renting it.

    i love to design sims, and have done so for people in the past, i decided to try my hand at desiging a sim that could help pay for its own tier. i say *help pay* because i do not expect it to really cover my tier entirely and turn a profit.

    however, my question is this.. what is the current going rate for prims per week? i used to go to hotels in the past, and i have some notecards from them. the prices ranged wildly, but usually it was priced daily.

    sadly, these hotels are no longer and i do not want to go down that road. i can pay my rental fees by myself so i do not technically need the rentals to keep the sim open.

    however, i do not want to over or under charge for the land as it is, by all visitor accounts, very nicely landscaped and interactive. i would like people to either rent daily (for special occasions) or what i would really like is for people to reside there... like resort living.

    the rooms are all fully decorated but i am willing to remove items for anyone renting 1 month or longer.. which would add to their prim count. i am offering between 100 - 300 prims per room. which also allows guests to rez their own items outside of the rooms as well as long as public grounds items are reviewed by me first. anything they want to put in their room is ok.

    i would rather price the rooms per prim to give people a fair rate, rather than arbitrarily pricing rooms at whatever will make me a profit. i'd like the price to reflect all i offer, but not screw people over.

    sorry for the long post and thanks in advance to anyone who responds. have a happy new year!


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