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Macphisto Angelus

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Posts posted by Macphisto Angelus

  1. So, in a odd event.. I ended up starting with my Win 8 install disk and figured I would upgrade to 10 off of it. I usually use a 10 disk, but hey.. moved and gettin' long in the tooth... so, anyway.. I installed Win 8, upgraded to 8.1 and actually am enjoying using it quite a bit. Maybe it is that new car smell? I think I will rock 8.1 Pro and not go back to Win 10 (since it is so, erm.. snoopy and not in a cool cartoon dog way) for awhile. I missed Aero glass effects. Purty!!! 


    Happy Evening/Night/Morning/Afternoon. Whenever this post finds thee, I hope it finds thee well. 

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  2. On 3/31/2017 at 5:07 PM, Tommy Linden said:

    We are listening to all the feedback and everything that we are receiving, changes and improvements are being made where appropriate. We might not get all that we ask for, but at the very least, we are listening.

    Thanks for that. It is so great to see Lindens openly participating and responding on the forums again. Admittedly, it has been years since I really participated on the official forums. But it is great to be back and see posts like yours.  

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  3. Lol Han, I think most of us have mellowed with age. I have been generally lucky though. Only had one attack on me in all my years of SL/OS forums. That by design and thanks to IP address tracking discovered later to be by what was really 2-3 people rolling tons of alts. I took it hard then, but laugh about it now. Luckily I was an admin on that site so seeing the IPs was easy once the owner showed me. It birthed a grid, but I won't get into it more then this. Flame wars is so 2008. :P

    As for a thread going poof because of one negative person... in the old thread, we just ignored most of those. Some even went on to become members of the thread themselves. Most just tried to do a punch and run to see if they could ruin the good mojo going on in it. That always failed. We drank our coffee (or soda in my case) ate our pie and other food offerings from the people and went on.

    Good to see you, Han. Hugs to ya.

    • Like 3
  4. 12 minutes ago, Amaranthim Talon said:
    2 minutes ago, Amaranthim Talon said:

    And with that my friends- good night and good dreams- will catch round three tomorrow. 5 am comes early and it is past midnight- dn RL...

    Goodnight. :) Sleep well. Not sure why I got multi quote fubard but this is Mac typing, not Amara 


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  5. 4 minutes ago, Amaranthim Talon said:

    Exactly Mac- that other place I mentioned, where I no longer reside, started going on about the face of insert grid name here- and basically censoring the hell out of anything- I imagine there is some degree of moderation and perhaps even censorship here. However that no longer matters to me since I can happily spout nonsense on my FB page all day and any one that is offended self-regulates by unfriending and wandering off of their own accord. Quite refreshing really ;)


    We should get together and chat sometime in world. ;) And I am the same.. going to go on about my merry way until I am sure of what the rules are here. lol

    1 minute ago, Rioko Bamaisin said:

    Yes,just this once! :D I would have replied on the other thread to you but I don't want to add to people's confusion. I can't believe I forgot about my boots...who does that?:$

    Love to see you model them sometime. Just them. :P Seriously, it was one of the things I remembered most about the other thread. Your boot fetish is legen (wait for it) dary!

    Just now, Katheryne Helendale said:




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  6. 3 minutes ago, Lexxi Gynoid said:

    hmms, well it is the one the forum software has deemed 'Hot'.

    It also has tons of views and is 50% of the way to having as many pages. I looked for the rules for the forums last night. If this is Kosher with admins, I think it will stay HOT. :P

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rioko Bamaisin said:

    I forgot all about my boots...:o


    The other thread was from 2011 when they changed the forums. This is the current one... I hope.

    I am going to park here since you all are here. :P I will honor the let it die rule just this once.

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  8. It is here on these forums, Amara. Honestly, none of the others ever felt right on alternate forums. And as for the sanitized place.. never cared to step a prim toe on it. But, SCII was fun for a bit. Nothing beats the REAL SL Forums in my opinion. I just hope we get to have the fun we used to have. I never used the last version because when a grid starts blocking people from general chat on the forums, it is either because they read it sucks and don't want people to say it or read it for fear of losing a buck. That was why we lost general the first time.  I would happily post here again if we get to play around and be human instead of answer bots. :P


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  9. 21 minutes ago, Amaranthim Talon said:

    /me wonders if Rioko is still in her boots...

    HA! Great minds.. I just mentioned her boots in the other let it die thread. I am still trying to figure out which one is going to be "THE" thread. A merge would be outstanding.


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  10. 2 hours ago, Rioko Bamaisin said:

    How weird it is to see 2011 Rioko.... It's like I'm in a time machine! Is the original one still up? Though I think that was on different software completely, right? I'm old, I cant remember these things anymore.

    You, my friend are TIMELESS! Even your 2008 boots are probably still in style. 

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  11. A month or so back I logged in to SL for the first time in awhile. I didn't have a mesh body, so I bugged my SL bestie Maureen B. on the ins and outs and up and downs of it all. After buying head to toe and beyond, I found myself more frustrated with the procedures then fun I was getting out of it. I have a great set of Mesh parts and clothes, but I am going back to system. I will use mesh on special occasions.. but really, I don't see system shapes, skins, etc ever going totally away. Just my humble opinion.

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  12. Over the years my best SL friends came from forums. Some I haven't even bumped into in SL at all, yet we can still talk on forums like good friends. I even have RL friends that were SL forum friends first. If a forum is run like the old SL forums where general conversation was OK (before the dark times) it can be great for building friendships. It is easier for some of us to relate to others in a forum. Though being IN SL is the best policy when possible. 

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  13. 15 hours ago, Chase01 said:

    You know someone created that sweatshirt in sl. A fairly large designer I might add. Maybe in your next post you will be in it? :x

    Sweeet! I will have to get it. My lindens build overtime, so when I log in after awhile I have a little pocket change to spend through. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  14. kinda like a highschool reunion eons later, yet it also feels like the thread was just yesterday.  i met so many of you there, and still hold you guys dear to my heart. life and the world is so different now. i hope admins let this live or die on it's own. it can be a treasure in time.

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