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Riku Reikaz

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  1. hey thanks alot for this tip! worked well.
  2. hello, I would like to ask what is the best rate to offer to sell lindens? it seems like 247L$ is the best, since it shows, it has most quantity. also how long does it takes? I never sold big amounts, so Im not sure what is the best way. thanks :)
  3. thank you, I was flipping faces and linking objects first and only then rigging, works fine now ^__^
  4. Seems like Solidifying with -0.001 thickness did the trick and now its visible from both sides, but when I wear the shirt or pants their textures gets all glitchy tho it looks good when I rez them on the ground.
  5. Thank you, ill try that, I actually dont need to copy both sides fully, for these pants I only need the suspenders and for example this shirt I made (in the pics) I need to make only sleeves to be visible from inside, because that part is very visible and it doesnt look right that way.
  6. Hello I have this problem, when I upload a mesh it looks invisible from inside, so how could I make both sides to be visible and not just surface on the outiside, I checked some mesh clothes from marketplace and they are visible inside, btw I only started working with blender and with meshes in general 3 days ago..oh and this is how it looks in world: I also have Maya 2012.
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