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Robert69 Little

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Posts posted by Robert69 Little

  1. Very true MaryJane.. they ruined the game for many...they went as far as to change their display name to Lolene Quicksand.. copied everything within her profile down to the letter....I'm very good friends with the real Lolene....one day.. unaware I was speaking to a griefer posing as Lolene.. I had them lined up to play at our venue.. totally caught off guard.. they crashed our sim several times.  Linden Lab did nothing.

  2. They now following me to venues and crash them..they even have a prim that has my name on it (I assume they got this prim during the time I had a venue.. it was a copyable prim with a T-shirt inside).. attempting to make it look like I'm the one doing it. They crashed the Helle's Angels Music & Art club 8-25-2012 during the 4pm slt and 5pm slt shows.

    They have also managed to get my alts name on a griefer list thats been passed around to several venues so they must be in kahoots with some one that will stab you in the back.

  3. He is a professional MaryJane...he can get banned with one account and be right back in Second Life within 5 minutes with another.. same goes for his girlfriend.  They are very well known.. and I believe they are hired to grief people/venues most of the time.

  4. yep...and people are leaving sl like their is no tomorrow.. they are tired of being treated like dirt.. Second Life used to be alot of fun.. honestly.  They gave the griefers the welcome areas in hopes they would not bother anybody else.. Nice job Linden Lab.. really nice job.

  5. I honestly think Linden Lab has lost the war with griefers.. I would assume thats why they let 30% of the staff go...so now.. they are just trying to save every last penny they can get before they take second life off line.. and at the rate it's going.. I don't see second life being around much longer.. who in their right mind wants to invest into a game.. griefers control?! Abuse Reports are useless... how can Linden Lab expect a hand full of people to investigate 100's if not 1000's of abuse reports every single day?!.. this is why nothing gets done.  I think they should sell security items at every welcome area...that way people would at least have a chance to protect themselves.. Linden Lab isn't going to help protect anyone.

    Big sign reads... Welcome to Second Life... don't forget to BUY protection items.

  6. I never said LL was "making" it happen.. but they sure as hell are in no big hurry to stop it either. They earned 75 MILLION dollars last year and they can not spend some of that to get control of their own game?!.. Somethings wrong with that picture.

  7. We lost our venue.. these griefers are professionals at ruining people's life... organized crime by a group of people to run people out of the venue business.. they run performers out of Second Life too. People buy security items trying to protect themselves and their sims.. useless items when you dealing with an army of griefers.. with countless accounts.. the profits are made by taking out the smaller businesses.. so to eliminate competition..

  8. The only logical explanation I can think of as to why Linden Lab fails to do anything about these griefer issues, somehow has something to do with "profit". It doesn't matter how much we invested into opening a venue.. how much we were renting the land for each month.. the loss of income performers may have earned during a show....this is about how much we will spend trying to protect "ourselves. Years of abuse reports.. years...and you see how little of concern griefers mean to them. Do I sound bitter?!...I think I have good reasons to be. Not once in 5 years have I heard anything of Linden Lab addressing griefer issues.

  9. So I received some very troubling news from a very dear friend a few minutes ago:


    It's gotten out of control with these griefers, Ron. Sorry to say I need to delete pretty much everyone in my friends list as a precaution. Please dont take it personally. But they are here in FB keeping tabs on me and those closest to me. I can't win with these assholes, so I need to quit singing in SL. If I come back one day, will be as an alt no one will know. Talk to u soon my friend.


    Again.. another great performer is forced out of his Second Life music career due to the harassments of griefers in Second Life. I have seen this happen to alot of performers.. and Linden Lab does nothing what so ever to protect people from abuse...This is truly a very sad day in my life.


    Would someone mind telling the following person to get out of my sl life?


    Choufleurs: hows it going bob



  10. You would think...Linden Lab would do something about these griefer problems... problems keep repeating time and time again.

    They let 30% of the employees go..so you would think they would want those remaining to do a good job.. these endless abuse reports have got to be a major pain in the butt for LL staff. Hopefully LL will find a way to resolve these issues in the very near future.  I love the game, the people I have met.. the honor performers given me to capture their shows... and most of all.. my SL wife Annasue.. I would not have ever met her had it not been for SL live music.

    Linden Lab.. should start monitoring the welcome areas...mainy Ahern and Violet.

  11. The same person who changed their display name to mine.. also mentions this in another of their accounts about me:


    Robert69 Little repeateadly films my avatar, and also opens and films my profile hes creepy Robert I love Admiral so much. I will never leave him for you STOP BOTHERING ME ROBERT GET A LIFE YOU WEIRD STALKER


    and more in another one of their accounts:


    Robert69 little is obsessed with me, and will post my profile on his libellous blog. He stalks me like a filthy old pervert, hes a nasty dirty old man, who is just a creeper. this man will deform himself and blame griefers for attention, he will also crash a sim and blame anyone.


    Real World Biography

    This is me rl smiling at admirals willy. I love him and I hope robert69 little leaves me alone and stops hitting on me


    (I never thought I would see the day when an adult would act this childish.. so they go around crashing sims an attempt to make it look like I'm behind it.)



  12. so its not like LL is doing nothing.

    Yes.. they have banned "a few" accounts of these people.. but some accounts still remain....and it's rather useless to ban these accounts when they just comes back with another account within 5 minutes. Linden Lab has truly lost control of the game we so love by allowing people to ruin our sl lifes....I speak for alot of people.. venue owners and performers.


  13. Changing a display name to the same name you have is not in and of itself Harassment.


    I'm sure you would see this from totally different point of view if it were "your" name being used by another person.

    And do you honestly believe someone that can generate a new IP address/ SL account within 5 minutes cares about TOS?!

  14. I'd say I love live music in sl too... I have produced over 1500 videos over the past 5 years. Our dreams were to own and operate our very own live music venue (we had our venue 4 weeks.. attacked every week).. those dreams were taken away from us.. unwillingly.. and we will NEVER EVER attempt to open another venue unless Linden Lab gains control over those generating IP addresses once they are banned.


  15. why don't you search my name.. and ask the person who is using my name as their display name what they did to a venue yesterday?  This same person has had several accounts deleted within the past few weeks.. only to make new accounts. It's like a dog chasing it's own tail around and around.. abuse reports after abuse reports time and time again on every single account they create.

  16. Yes.. 4 months.. long months.. I even attempted to protest against these people at the welcome areas where they hangout...in hopes they would leave me alone.. draw attention from Linden Lab.. it's was all a waste of time... they abused me at the welcome areas as well.. without any fears of Linden Lab doing anything of abuse reports.. following me now to venues.. crashing the sims... telling their victims.. I payed them to do it....changing display names to mine.. so people think it is me at first glance of these attacks.. rezzing prims they managed to get that have my name on them.  A few accounts have been banned.. but they just create new ones time and time again.. it's an endless problem.. Linden Lab.. does nothing... they are sitting in the welcome areas laughing at their victims.  It's truely sad.. with all the problems going on in real life.. these people have nothing better to do than to ruin a game that was meant for fun.  So the last time I attempt to speak about these problems here in the forums.. I was told.. I bought these problems into myself.. yeah.. I opened a live music venue, lost a live music venue.. and I'm still being harassed.. and Linden Lab does NOTHING to get this problem resolved once and for all...They have no control over these NONE.

  17. I'll try not to attract trolls now.. but how many people are there to handle abuse reports on any given day? Would you consider it Harassment if someone changed their display name to "yours" and then goes around causing trouble at venues? I don't understand why Linden Lab has done nothing to address the fact people are getting around being banned by generating a new IP address/ second life account.. only to cause people problems.  How many more years will pass before Linden Lab can get Second Life under control/block generated IP addresses and disable the ability to change a display name to match that of someone else?  This is truly ridiculous.. millions of dollars earned per year.. as Linden Lab sits back and allows a select few people ruin the game and the reputation of others (me) who worked very hard to promote not only Second Life Live Music.. but Second Life in general... after 4 months of abuse without any help/concerns shown from Linden Lab.. I may need to find another virtual world where I can live my life in peace.

  18. I will not come to the forums only to endure more harassments.. I have captured and posted the abuse I have endured during the past 5 weeks on my own blog,,those videos will speak for themself.

    As a sl "helper" mentioned to me a few hours ago...and I quote:

    the forums are for trolls fools and idiots robert,do not go there.


    needless to say.. I must agree with them.....there was no compassion, concerns nor help here..none.. other tham to hold me at faults for being griefed.. when all I did was to open a music venue... I can clearly understand why LL doesn't read the forums now.


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