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Cyann Ornitz

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Posts posted by Cyann Ornitz

  1. I'm running the latest official viewer and it seems all the neat features that helped taking nice snapshots are gone.

    Earlier I used full screen freeze and this really freezed the world. I could move my camera around to find nice angle to compose a shot and everything in world would stay still until I closed the snapshot window. Now this does not seem to be possible any longer. It really makes composing shots so much more difficult, specially if you want to catch a more action packed scene.

    When I move the camera now there seems to be some white line at top of the screen and few pixels that seem to be moving around. Is there any way to move this line down?

  2. What are the joints supposed to be named in the skeleton hierarchy for bvh export? It seems to be different from joint names used to bind meshes.

    At upload SL says root should be "hip" (instead of "mPelvis") but what are rest of the joints supposed to be named?

  3. Is there any way to stop SL from cleaning the texture cache automaticly from time to time? There seems to be no pattern to when SL starts cleaning the cache. Sometimes it goes couple of weeks between them, sometimes it cleans it several times per week. All this without me telling it to do so.

    Really annoying when a quick relog turns into 5 minute wait.

    (running 3.0 viewer but this has happened for some time on earlier versions as well)

  4. It means that the group role you have in the group is set to share the costs of the group. Things like listing group land in search.

    To turn this off a group manager with permissions must click off the "pay group liabilities..." checkbox under group accounting options.

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