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Martien Pontecorvo

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  1. Just checking the inventory at World of Toasters before the Toast Bay City Hunt starts this April. Why not pop over and get some more info from the posters in the windows, or buy a free toaster and try out the demo hunt?
  2. You're a Bay City resident. Maybe you have a store, or a satellite store, located in the Bay City regions of Second Life. Or maybe you just love, Love, LOVE this place and want to share it with the whole goddamn grid! Bay City is one of the more interesting locations in Second Life, and as a fellow Bay City resident, I am proud to invite you to participate in hosting The Toast Bay City Hunt this April. WHY SHOULD I BOTHER WITH ANOTHER DANG HUNT? This hunt is a little unorthodox in how it works. In order to claim hunt prizes, hunters need to wear a toaster and find enough bread slices to "pay" for them at special vendors. To get an idea, pop on over to World of Toasters in Dennis, buy a toaster and go scouting for those bread slices - there's a nice silly piece of furniture if you can find 'em all! If you like it, slap the posters on the windows for a notecard with application forms and everything! Let's get this rolling! The key is that hunters are encouraged to COME BACK for the more valuable prizes. That means: Repeat visitsRepeat exposure to your entire store rangeIncreased chance of impulse purchases!HOW LONG HAVE I GOT TO DECIDE? The hunt proper will run from 1-31 April 2012. Entries close about 28 March 2012, but the sooner you're in the better! OKAYYY... WHAT DO YA NEED? We need three things: Prizes, Hosts, and Toasters! 1. TOASTER DESIGNERS Yeah, I've paid a few L$ for the sculpty toaster I've been waving around at my demonstrations, but wouldn't it be nice if people were toting toasters that were, oh, LIMITED EDITION and SWANKY and best of all, MADE IN BAY CITY? If you've got the build chops, let's see them! Invent a toaster – dimensions about 0.3m x 0.2m x 0.2m high – attach it to the form (which you can get from the posters at World of Toasters), and send her in! 2. TOAST HOSTS & PRIZE DONORS What's a Toast Host? You run a store or own a property in the Bay City regionsYou have about 11 prims free at leastYou love Bay City and wanna show it!What's a Prize Donor? Maybe you have a store in Bay CityAnd you LOVE Bay City! :)And you make REALLY AWESOME STUFF!Prize Donors get a chance to show off their wares and raise brand awareness by providing sweet prizes for our hunters. There may be no immediate payoff in Lindens, just the sweat of hunters' brows, but the idea is to hook them... To find out more, pop into World of Toasters, fill out the application form and you'll be contacted in due course. Successful applicants will be provided with a complete Hunt Prep Pack to ready their properties for the hunt. 3. MODERATORS Poor ol' Martien can't be everywhere all the time. As a moderator, you'll have super-special powers to keep the peace in the Toast Bay City 2012 Hunt group, liase with hosts and donors, and keep this shindig humming happy. Interested? Visit World of Toasters, fill out the appropriate forms and drop them into the jolly red mailbox outside! 4. ADVISORS This is the first hunt I've ever organised, and I'm desperate to make it go a) smoothly for all involved, and b) off. If you know where else to promote this hunt, who to speak to regarding getting hosts and merchants on board, and are willing to put up with mentoring a complete tyro, please contact me and let me know!
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