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Steve Atlanta

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Posts posted by Steve Atlanta

  1. Just to clarify,  Novatech  was  THE  leading  Trek marketer  in Second Life,  most all Trek  sims use his Transporters, Turbolifts,  and  emDashes.  He also pinoneered the  Horizons Hoilodeck system,  which was the basis  for my Planetary builds.

    Plz read my first post,  I have  removed all my Trek inspired builds from  SLM  and my Casper Vendors,  but the question remains,  can we still have  ships on our sims?  Can we roleplay and wear Star Trek uniforms?  It  will be a great loss to me,  and to the Trek community if  we cant.  We Trekkers  made many close friends,  had many charitable events ( American Cancer Society)  and  years  of roleplay  fun.  I personally will miss Trek in Second Life,   thnx  CBS.  BTW  Ill bet  Rod Roddenberry  would  show  sympathy  for us


  2. Well   since we are Trekkers  in Real life,  we tried to emulate Trek in Second Life as awell.  We built and paid  between 130  to 330 dollars a month to create Trek environments,   and also share  Trek  builds  with friends.  These would be  uniforms, combadges, Transporters, Tricorders, shuttles,  as well as  Huge starships. 

    We even roleplay missions,  I myself having built  20 planets  for  away missions.


    As I said  I went ahead and removed it all,  having  been made aware that CBS  does not approve of its fans  building  or replicating  Star Trek items,  as the creative abilities of Second Life allowed us to do.


    I can tell by your post  you are not likely a builder  and most  likely  not a merchant ion Second Life,  but  your  harsh attitude  has  perhaps  blinded  you to the fact  that  WE  are the fan base  of Trek,  and  WE  are people  who spend  thousands  of dollars on sims  and objects  in Second  Life  which allow us to play.


    CBS  has  no care  for its fan base  and  provides  NO opport=unity  for us to purchase a liscence  and makes  NO effort  to  allow us  "fair use"  of  items  which  do NOT  genertate money,  as they prosecute  even free Trek items that we give away.  They are so to speak  shooting themsleves in the foot  since they are attacking their own fan base.


    Have  you seen CBS  in Second Life  amking  Trek environemnts  and selling them?  Do they make  ONE  linden  from selling starships  or uniforms?  If not  then what is there benefit  from smashing  us  as  we try to play  Trek in Second L:ife?   Why not  take the example of  Dr Who   whose  creators  ENCOURAGE  their fans  to build and play  by making  tardises, avatars, sonic screwdrivers.  Could it be because they appreciate  and love their  fans more?


  3. Just a heads up  for any people out there who build Star Trek related items.

    Since  CBS/Paramount/Viacom  is relasing a new Trek Movie next year, they are actively clamping down on any who build/sell/give away  and Trek realted builds or ships.

    My  friend had his account suspended  for selling the  "Constitution Class Bridge"   the "Type 6 Shuttle"  and a few others.  

    We all thought as long as we didnt use the name  "Star Trek"  in the itme  we were safe.  We were wrong.

    So now I have removed all Star Trek inspired  builds  from SL Marketplace,  as well as Casper Vendors in world. 

    As a precautionary measure I  suggest you do the same!

    The Star Trek community in SL is huge  and we have had  many celebrities  as guests  in our conventions,  including Rod Roddenberry,  but now....builds are being deleted,  accounts suspended,  and people are leaving in droves  due to the CBS  clampdown.

  4. Thnks for that tip,  but  it actually is based on a  PG  TV show,  and  I gont get why they would consider something like that "Adult"  ,  as many PG shows involves  slave races,  I wont name names  but think about it,  theres even major movies  with slaves, they  get a PG rating.  I'll edit my little alien guys speech and try again,  thnx



    UPDATE :  Changed the words in the desciption,  and it passes asa Mature,  but it really is NOT adult  esp  since  I added shorts and a shirt on the female bot there.  Thnx  again it on Mature now,  and actually is probabaly PG


  5. Hi,

       I am a Second Life merchant who sells a line of "planets".  One of them featured a dancing girl who was partly nude if you cammed up her robes.  I have  FIXED  this and given her shorts and a shirt.  However  the listing still gets constantly rated  "Adult"  even though I have tried many times to re set it to "Moderate"   How can I get a Linden Labs person to review this correction and let me list it as "Moderate"?


    Here is the planets listing....


  6. Im sure its a nice system,  but it lacks what I need or requested,  which is...


    1) Sales log searchable by ITEM

    2) a one click, or convenient click  REDELIVER



    Hippovend is  miles ahead of  SL Marketplace,  but thats no excuse for SL Marketplace to neglect this type of system,  I will post a picture of the Hippovend system for searching and redelivering, as you'll see it beautiful simple and I know from exp, it works!





    P.S.  I dunno if Casper has this type of search and redeliver, but if it doesnt, it  SHOULD  or I wont buy it.  Can anyone confirm or deny whether Caspervend has this?

  7. I appreciate the suggestions  for sending  updates,  btw  I do have Hippovend and its redelivery system is 100% better than SL Marketplace,  really no  prob there.  Unfortunately its too late to add the "Update script" to every product Ive made.


    Just so you know how horrible SL Marketplace Transaction history and redelivery is,  I took  a screenshot of it.....





  8. Greetings,


       I am a builder of large roleply starships,  and I often  add NEW  features to these Starships.  I always try and send all past buyers the new version,  but theres a problem.



    To re send  items, or  re deliver them,  is very difficult in SL Marketplace.  I have to negatiate a wierd ca;lendar set up,  then seach  page  by page and redeliver them one at a time,  sometimes searhes  80+ pages!   Why can't  SL Marketplace have a feature where  when you update an item,  you can just click one button and  "Redeliver all"  to everyone who has ever  bought that product,  it would be a VERY  convenient thing to do!

  9. I heard that there's a new viewer coming  with  MESH  ( a new type of better sculpty)  as well as a choice to get away from the awful viewer 2 interface and choose the good ole  Viewer 1 user interface, does anyone know the facts about this?


  10. I have tried for  hours  to delete  items  form the new  Marketpolace,   and the answer is   YOU CANT! 


    I was able to upload NEW  items to the SL Marketplace, however my Inventory is full of OLD unusable stuff that they migrated, and I cannot edit, or delete thos items at all, its really frustrating


    OFFICIAL REQUEST : Please put in a delete option for old unusable files/listings


    Picture of what the problem looks like.....


    SL Marketplace items that cant be deleted.JPG

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