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Michaelatv Destiny

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Posts posted by Michaelatv Destiny

  1. I was just wondering why , when I log on Second Life lately, literally find many places that used to be busy completely deserted. I joined a Nice Gor Panther group in a connected region of 8 sims about a month ago. But in the last fortnight I find the camp deserted with no one coming to camp for hours. Some Aircraft airports in Blakes seas is also devoid of anyone in my UK time zone.

    Some of only a few uk residents I know now, say they can no longer afford to buy certain mid range items and at same time afford rent land, due to the current rate of inflation, Living costs, and insane bills, which leave if your lucky a few Pounds left at the weekend. I used to have a homestead, but couldn't afford to keep it on my state pension. Is Linden Labs actually aware we don't live in the sunshine states of california, where, they don't have energy costs like we do or gas at $9 a gallon. I find not many Europeans on either much either, unless its just alternative clubs at 10am in my morning. If your a UK citizen perhaps someone could say if they have found Second Life deserted in UK/EU mornings and afternoons? I really miss the old NORSIM sims which were busy even at 12 midday and had to wait to get in as full, and had a huge friends list. Is LL just mopping up cash and not really investing in the future to bring back the numbers we once had. Visitor islands should be bought back I think, as most newbies are flummoxed by the interface and regulations against new avatars not being able to access all parts of the world either cos they have no payment info yet or certain sims wont allow you to visit as your new. This red tape just puts off people staying, as know of three girls who joined leaving in a few weeks saying its just too complicated and too restrictive.

    They also wanted combat, but like me, the combat sims are empty Euro time, I have no idea if other time zones fare better?

    • Thanks 2
  2. I came back to SL the other day, came into some money. Had my eye on a half a sim or full sim in blakes seas as an aviator and ATController (Certified). went there to day, and found even my inheritance from a family member wasnt enough to buy a blakes seas sim. very disappointed. 14 years been waiting to buy my own sim, and  the price quoted was over a MILLION L$.............thats just not fair, because I struggle in the UK with already ridiculous energy and food. While those living in Linden Labs or put these prices in to sell half a sim have no idea whats it like to live on peanuts and enjoy life, especially if your retired like me.  So I uninstalled Firestorm again. i shall probably pack up my 15 year account now, as done almost everything there is to do, but Insane land prices is just going to push me out of Second Life for good shortly. You need to be rich to buy land in Second life, but it wasnt all like this, I leased Two full sims in blakes seas in 2009 British Airways Airport and another full sim next door for other things. These were affordable but the lag and aircraft just kept crashing.   But now, I really dont know what to make of it. half the world is starving or drowning in rain or boiling hot in summer yet these sims in Blakes seas get even further away from normal working class people. you would think you were buying real land.  

    • Haha 1
  3. Hi quite a few interesting comments here.😁. Like Im finding, the only things that dont suffer offworld crashes seem to be slow craft, I remember buying a WWII diesel long U Boat from a once popular boat builder. I went through many sims at 1/4 power undersea with no problems. May be the technology that loads up the avi and boats could somehow be speeded up with a New Coding or upgrade. as for stepping out like a fashion model , apart from an Oyster (Omega_ looking watch from Bandit, that I take off even in clubs, those resize scripts are fading away from SL as fitted mesh and no mod clothes take over from Classic old style. That should really help crossings but in practice, even though at last being retired I recently bought the most expensive computer for me at £1000 with a geforce GTX, its actually for me not helped, in fact the opposite, when I used to Run only ATI graphic cards. Strange because I can log in my alt in my club and me, and there's not a whisker of lag. but take a Turbroprop out of Hollywood, I get just three sims out and thats it, offworld on bottom of sea bed. I notice a reduction in and   around around Blakes. I would accept these problems when planes were still Prims, and like 290 prims. I think maybe its the hud , the extra sophistication of opening doors , flaps, lights, scripted landing gear etc. may be the cause. I used to have a gesture I made that calls out the minimums from 500 feet to 10 and land, this worked without problem, and it included sounds of the reverse thrust at the same time in order. but if i play that now on landing, I get failed landings near the edge of grid, so another realistic part i cant really use anymore. Just my two penny worth 👍

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/22/2022 at 5:54 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Grr, mega yachts. Oceanic or BBX sailboats FTW!

    I love my oceanic yacht but most oceans around islands in Blakes seas are not deep enough to take the lenght of the keel, so sadly have had to stop using it. even berths near Holloywood airport, cant take the Oceanic, as its roo long to fit, or colides with the bottom which is far to shallow

  5. Blakes seas, are almost impossible to navigate since i came back to it. I found under water mole hills near Honna lee, that are higher than my yachts keel can clear (Oceanic). so I dont bother using it although it cost me :(.....Flying is a waste of time, i have 35 aircraft and all crash. Isnt it about time LL put in technology to make ocean ways completely seamless like in pc games and consoles. I left Blakes seas a long time ago now although im still a certified Air trafffic controller. the last  month i have had more failures of crossings than i had before 2013. If we had seamless oceans each grid wouldn't have to load the bloody plane and pax every few miles. Its really so almost distressing, that people just fall out of planes ....you cant run a proper Airline without it being a reliable flight. despite the techs of aircraft design, the grids just fail to accommodate and chuck you offworld. Surely in 2022 Linden directors can do better, world of warship i play never flinches ev ery day i play it. the grids are so outdated, unless work is done to change the grid structure i cant see mant staying. the only thing in second life where everbody goes now is adult sims.

    I actually open my new one in a few days. as alternative gender and sexual Identity has taken off a lot, and of course some people in rl dont want to a packed Real club being so close you are likely to pick up covid which hasn't gone away. Its daft really. for the first time in my second life since 2007 I have managed to afford a near top end computer 9 months costing £1000, but it seems its actually worse in performance and stability than my old windows 7 puter that hardly crashed in SL.

  6. thanks guys, bit depressing really. I joined on the premise of the adverts ,Come to second life and make money full or part time. This seems to have been a lie. I only ever a few thousand lindens a week in 2009 - 10 when I was a pole dancer, and paid assistant manager of a shemale club. On top of that, at my age I now struggle every day trying to fit clothes, that cant be altered, this is leaving me with bare feet bare parts of my body showing, i never had this problem before mesh came along. so im really struggling with the technology which at my age is understandable having always had a "Normal" body since 2007.  I love second life but the challenges i face now are quite hard to resolve, mainly everytime i wear an item it removes something i have already put on. This creates so much confusion, and I spend hours even trying to get dressed, because unlike the earlier days, nothing seems to fit me any more. Trying to find classic clothes is getting harder. I have a huge library of clothes and some were expensive and for certain sims. But I really dont know where to find a simple  tutorial that seems to tell me what to do. I seen shapes on market street, but Im bewildered why they say, no head no feet or hands, which seems illogical to me. saying baked on , means absolutely nothing to me. except baking a tart or pie. I have tried these alpha layers, but again they may cover pants ,but it removes the one i have for my feet, so im back to square one.

    I have no idea how to make mesh, that's for todays digital artists who grew up with the technology, unlike me, who is an artist  in rl but use acrylics and water colour, i would not know where to start on a computer screen. I honestly totally frustrated with clothes. this week bought some new ones, only half fitted. the rest i put in the garbage centre.

    I cant really spend this money i have without some profit as its from a credit card increase, it has to be paid back and some profit on top. I have to rethink if its time I gave up second life, because of the technical challenges i found so frustrating as a senior citizen. Obviously I just have my state pension and my disability allowance which is quite high, but uk feeling the huge rise in prices , on almost everything, gave my car up last year because petrol was not affordable. at usa prices we in uk are paying 12-  13$ per gallon. oh well, thanks for the help, but obviously my expectations  have been dashed quite a lot. But i dont want to keep playing insane console games the rest of my life. i have 42,000 items in my inventory since 2007. a lot are  buildings, weapons, vehicles , many jet liners and yachts, but most of my items are to do with clubs and adult furniture that does cost a lot, and wasted money if  not used for the purpose it was intended for. back to the drawing board it would seem, or jack in second life now. :(

  7. thanks Katherine, I cant make clothes, but did make jewelry for a while long ago. but these now you can get for a few Lindens, the times i charged 100L and sold plenty have long gone. Freebies really clobbered hard working creators , probably like you as well. i love Art. I wish you well with your works. I think i have always expected SL to be more than its become. thanks for your input. much appreciated!


  8. Hi Secondlifers. I recently returned to SL for a little longer each week than I used to around 2015 -16.   before that I was heavily involved in managing alternative gender clubs for owners, (and getting paid)     but clubs seemed to die on their feet after 2010. Most of my friends left, and never seen again. So I left SL for a number of years, returning again recently, but with the same problems of trying to get a boat or a Plane to cross any grids in Blakes Seas. Im very retired now, being 70, but still have imagination and creativity. Although clothes and shapes elude me, they are far to complicated for me to work out what a bento is, how ii differs from my classic avatar. Im finding clothes for classics are getting ever scarce, my shape or skin came from Esode 5 years ago, but what actually is Esode ? Is it a classic ,mesh or one of these names I never heard of like Slink maitreya,etc.

    Since I joined in 2007, I have never made a linden, hardly, which was a let down , as when I joined, the slogan for joining was "make money in Second life", full or part time income. But this never materialised. Because I was an  engineer bought up in analogue days, not born into these days of software and things on screens.


    However. With my new found freedom, I have about £800  ( 1083$) disposable income. But I have no idea what to do for a real profit in sl.   (real life I ran my own garage premises).

    I have noted a bit of a revival of clubs being popular again, with one last night full up. These tend to be Futa, Alternative, Shemale premises, that I know how to run.  Im not sure if the shift in rl gender issues is a possible real time social shift, or a temporary shift due to pandemic real life issues, where maybe folk are not so keen mixing in rl close quarters outside, with the Covid still very much around, although Our UK government would have you think otherwise. But because a club is run for the people, the actual process from making money from such a venture is limited. More like a labour of love, not a labour of income to boost my state pension.

    So thats one route, and probably the cheapest, but not going to be actually profitable.:( I notice some adult places are charging 100L to join before you can partake, But that's a swamped market, and very questionable content in some, that Im banned from looking at in the uk, as it comes under the new internet indecency laws, where watching even cartoon characters( having sex with animals) can get you a knock on the door from the police who flag up this stuff from (centres of computer  vigilant  spys that watch for suspicious activity or sites known or unknown). They log your IP and pass it on to authority's.

    My prefered route is to start buying up land, to rent out.  Im tempted to keep to Blakes Seas, because its such in demand recently for mooring and House boats. However, the jargon around buying land seems over complicated. It says i need a premium account to own land?? why is that??   I can go the normal way and buy a sim from SL but mainland or Island, they both seem to have many conditions, which in the end, Im not sure I will recoup my investment and make myself an income. Any other people started something that became profitable i would be glad to here from you.

    One idea i had was to rent a homestead sim, and make it a 50 Lindens a shot tinto space on a Blue Origin spaceship, New Shepard space launcher. Sending 4 people in space, to the limit of the sl night. passing through a phantom sim wide motion captured earth below, while the passengers experience weightlessness, (which I have no idea if there is in space on a Sim?) Before returning not long after. But will such a thing, although spectacular, actually want to make people part with say 50 Lindens a shot. Even then. who would design the Blue origin under a different name to take four astronauts to the limit, and then auto eject the  lower rocket part, so the pod comes down by itself, and extends parachutes when nearer the ground. I really dont know which avenue to take? help would be great. :)


  9. Well I have not really been on very much over last year, but been exploring Valkeyrie for Gorrean role play.. Found some land nearby for a small villa base along with all my veg and fountains. Amazing rent price due to my GBP doing well to the US Dollar. As far as I can see, its disappointing to see so much almost extreme sexual content taking over, along with these afk so called dolls that makes SL a giant red light world. 

    Being in the UK I have to be very careful of avoiding certain places that has animal sex. It's illegal to engage with ***** either in any way, even if simulated. Force and capture unless for a Gorrean story line should really be pulled. Many countries are tightening was is legal or illegal lately online, as there's so many problems already like pornhub (I was a paid member) until visa and mastercard pulled credit card payments, on suspected abuse videos. I feel Second life is behind the curve to ban this sort of content, as with protests against violence toward woman on International woman's day. Second Life should really be leading the way to cleaning up its platform that seems to thrive on disgusting content. As a horticulturist and member of many society's  helping to stop global temps from rising above 1.5% and bee and local wildlife dissappearing I would like to see SL adding a proactive green attitude to supporting real life institutions like Green peace, WWF the Royal society protection of birds, and increase awareness of the Dutch.nl universitat study on ocean plastics supported by Clean seas and NATO. This would interest  younger users to the platform, as they are the ones inheriting my 70 years of being oblivious of the damage we are still doing to our planet, despite the obvious changes to our environment that is at a tipping point. Dumping very explicit adult rubbish. SL could be a virtual world leader on increasing a much more informed and family orientated platform, without adult stuff the age you can join SL could be lowered. Experienced cultivators like me could build sustainable classes on green house growers, farms on lower tier rates rather like farm simulator 19 could be a game changer if Lindens were bolder and look toward a different culture away from smut and questionble content. 

    • Haha 1
  10. I have been out of SL for a time. I have many TVs and cinema screens like VEA and the rest. I cant see how they can work, pretty sure all the menu buttons need flash to operate them. I do stream my customers films and adult content from streamhoster but they are in a known format. But to be able to use the screen, flash needs to be enabled for the menu still as far as Im aware.?

  11. As Luna has said, I dont expect LL to not make a profit. Its like saying one of google play store games is free, but micro transactions is what it makes in revenue to develop and run the game , pay wages etc.

    I just dont see LL since they hiked tiers up a long time ago, dont seem to realize the world and costs of living has risen dramatically, but unemployment driven by cheap chinese labour has unsettled the status quo, for many OTHER countries.

    USA has a unique position, it can almost produce everything it needs without huge imports. The UK is an island, we dont have our own gas, own oil wells, or have a climate like florida or the great plains, to grow huge amounts of grain.  My work in SL has always been around building, or and making themed sims for others to enjoy. 

    on the matter of petrol prices.  todays pump price in uk is around £6.50 per gallon, according to XE currency converter, that's still just under $9 per gallon. Other things USA and canada don't pay hardly any for is internet access, and phone line charges , that are charged even if you dont have a phone. My monthly bill from Virgin media on a basic tv package, no phone but fibre optic is around £70 incl VAT, add to that The TV licence fee, millions of us struggle to keep up with each month, shows how our disposable income for use in Second life had dwindled away since 2006. yep 12.50$ I mentioned is wrong, so  its more like 9$ a gallon to you over the pond.

    Tomorrow the financial markets open, and thats where will we see what the opening rates is against the US$ ....after we finally left the Bloc...

  12. I had to laugh at one poster saying 5$ for a gallon of petrol is robbery. I remind none UK residents, that fuel and energy prices take a huge amount of income from even those who are working.  We currently pay on conversion 12.50$ per gallon. The days we used to be able to just go anywhere you want for £20 of petrol has long gone. The same applies to car insurance, which is very high. I been driving since 1970. But even then , the cheapest insurance I could find for 2006 Zara picasso auto costs me £66 a month on direct debit. That also has to come out of my fixed pension.  I can't imagine any USA resident paying without grumbling 2 gallons of petrol for 23$ .this also effects light vans and delivery vehicles, which is why some delivery charge s are quite high. Sorry for duplicate post. This new tablet is not like a Windows PC with mouse and keyboard. I never spam my whole life. This is just a problem I haven't solved yet that's all

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    • Confused 1
  13. Pussycat my wife and myself get 22k GBP PER ANNUM. we still have to top up our rent each week of £40. Plus we still have to pay £450 to the council for some council tax, because just over the limit of rules. Wife has two work pensions paid £160 Twice a year only. But DWP, CAPS mean that even pensioners have to pay part of the rent and part council tax. In the years before, no pensioners paid towards rent or council tax. But Tories changed all the benefit system years ago. So when we retired in 2015, we not really getting our full pens ion, it's been pinched by Tory austerity measures. Thanks 😐😐

  14. Well Alwin, we already have one of the highest fuel charges in the EU area. Unfortunately to get out of the house, instead of living as a vegetable I have to run a picasso which has a large tailgate to take my mobility scooter, which I also have to pay rent for it to the government. As an amatuer meteorologist since 1963, and a student of the in Dutch .no open university course on ecological matters and ocean plastics, the most pressing matter to stop counties having to spend huge amounts on fires and flooding defences has a deffinate cost to the world economy. Our climate s are changing rapidly ,instead of 1000 years. Just in my lifetime of 69 years we are approaching a 2% rise in global and ocean tempatures. It's folly to ignore the rising cost of damage and  any problem with Iran has a knock on effect especially if they continue to attack tankers and oil refineries. You see The USA doesn't depend on middle East oil, which is why it's so cheap in the USa. But closer to home  we do depend on middle East oil for heating and trucks, cars etc. It's important the relationship between climate change and steady oil supplies has a huge effect on our disposable income. Once again thanks for your comment


  15. 31 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    it's again simply not true what you say
    There are really lóads of good skins, appliers, hairs, clothes and even on regularly base, free mesh bodies, you only need to make some efford to find and catch.

    I'm living my SL for over 13 years.. jumping from free to premium, from paid to hunter, from fp region to homestead and all in between.. ... it's all there!  Last months playing the home game on Bellie ... never been so happy as with the Trailers ..on 512 parcels !!

    Bringing in Iran and heatwaves ... seriously... how serious do you want to be taken?



  16. 16 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    absurd statement 
    in case you missed something years ago while signing up: Second Life is FREE  ...all spending is voluntary

    I disagree my friend. All games says there free to play. Yes, ok basically it is. But what would you look like in a newbie skin and Jeremy corbyns basic shirt and trousers. Ok so say you like the look at having a Gorean  experience, which I was a panther in the Valkerie forest. For all the freebies around, you still need a decent skin, maybe Tatt's, decent bows and spears  axes aren't free.  Do you really want an horrible free standing or walking override r?Your clan also appreciated donations to. Can hardly be an active player without contributing.  Many games advertised as "free to play"in fact aren't. rather "pay to win".  If you want look like a newbie all your SL life, that's up to you. But in the end most of us have no choice to buy something. My first house I  got, I found Lok's to furnish it.  And what about visiting adult venues. Can't have much fun with no gas or similar genitals. 

    I don't bregrudge my spending I have 5000 items including many houses, 30 aircraft and yachts. Marine underwater reefs and waves.yes it was my decision to spend on SL at a time land and finances were pretty manageable. What I am saying,  is , LL has always priced land at a rate, which in the real world outside is nearly the same price as the rent for a real life dwelling.  With so many uncertainty around Iran, oil, heatwaves, hacking problems. I just think LL COULD do a lot more to attract new residents by lowering many of their core financial demands made on players who want to afford SL, but many don't stay mainly cos no mentors anymore of which I was one, and to someone on zero contracts work, LL makes it very difficult for millions of people on minimum wages to buy or use SL effectively without looking as an avatar you obviously are poor. But thanks again for all the comments. I look forward to tonight when Boris Johnson addresses our nation, and eagerly await the next day's financial markets. Then we can make a more informed conclusion on British players hopes and aspirations. 🤗😁😁

  17. well its more like £7.50 more on top of what I used to pay pre 2016.  Thats x 4  four weeks, thats £30 increase, on a HStead I used to be able to afford, but it not just rents, New airliners, because I fly a lot, cost a lot more, because to buy one on market street costs me more as well, so in one month, for instance, buying a beach house some new clothes or weapons, its a cumulative effect, which if you take as an average spend per month, I would be literally paying roughly £45 a month more than before, unfortunately in the days I had a Sim in the old NOR combat zones, I was working, now Im not and on fixed income retired on government pension. Which does not go far as the uk has the lowest rate pf pension rates than most of EU.

    All I would like to do is go back to my building themed sims like I have done from Pandora, to Manchester Airport, to my own urban combat sim. But this is beyond my reach now. 

    As I said Im not looking for criticism, Im asking my UK residents if they will be able to keep up payments for premium rents and items, come 1st February. Its not really about me. I had my best times from 2007- 2012.... So with health problems, I dont think at my age now, i would be able build what i did 10 years ago anyway. Thank you for the comments. :)

  18. Well of course I understand why LL should have to change but you have to understand,like quite a few other countries our petrol, heating costs etc are almost treble what Americans pay, which is why ,I don't know why they don't just set a price for a service like Steam purchases of digital content, which is not paired to real  currency. SL is the only platform I currently know that links buying objects to wobbly financial markets. It's all to easy to make sweeping statements, but as a now disabled resident, it's very difficult for me to enjoy the same experience and new projects which now are almost out of my pocket. In 2012 when I could still work and pound was stable I didn't give costs much of a thought, but now hearing seventy soon, I seem to be marginalised by LL who thinks everybody is on 40k saleries which of course I'm not. But thanks for commenting, just getting feedback, that's all ☺️☺️


    • Like 2
  19. I'm just getting some feedback from my fellow Brits. In 2016 I had an affordable homestead I could keep under my present retired income. We were getting 1.49$ to one GBP. Our currency crashed big time after stupid decision to leave.

    In no time at all it was down to 1.35$, which added £6 a week extra on my tier, which I could not afford. So been waiting 3 years for GBP to recover back to 1.49$ Again. This hasn't happened, and I really losing hope I will ever be able to buy or rent in the near future.

    Brexit happens any day now, and there's no doubt in my mind that our GBP Will go into free fall. I conservatively predict the pound will be almost worthless, crashing to about 1.10$ to one GBP. That would push up the price of a homestead to £9 -£10 a week, from pre 2016 levels.

    Who ,on fixed incomes or low pay will be able to afford to buy or rent land, especially in Blake's Seas, where I used to own airports and afford half a mainland sim to rent. Do you think it's time for Linden labs to stop using real world currency's floations for what is only a game platform. It makes unfair competition to countries who don't have a huge economy like the USA. So how many are still going to buy or rent, if the pound crashes on 1st February.???? Of course it may go up, but that's most unlikely, seeing the coranavirus is already depressing financial markets. Your thoughts?????

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    • Confused 1
  20. On 7/6/2019 at 10:05 PM, Amina Sopwith said:

    You're right, of course, but you may as well stay in the game. Even Gor is going to be better than our green and pleasant land once we've crashed out with no deal. They're ruled by psychotic six foot tall golden alien insects. We're going to have Boris.

    UK is a joke right now, and many suffering from bad exchange rates that make second life even pricier to use. I used to play Gor a lot, in the Valkyrie Forests as a Panther, but my main role in second life for 5 years was as diplomatic officer in a large urban combat faction, in NOR the once famous 12 sim combat zone Using the WARP meter system. That whole 12 sim region no longer exists, only in players memory's of times gone by.    Gor is not quite my cup of tea , as each region you go to has none standard global rules and tends to make ones that are not acceptable to  a factions raiding party., which takes the spontaneously surprise attacks from Docks away, if you have to read 500 words what you can do or not. Dont know about Boris, he does make blunders, but he does have a sense of humour, but now all this tit for tat between The US and us over our ambassadors illegal leaks, doesn't do anyone any favours, and with labour falling apart as well, and Merkels health becoming an issue for the EU to deal with only adds to all the uncertainty that affects  currency's all over. For me, I just see in my UK daytime, literately no one now to engage with. Boris or failed NHS Hunt, is what we going to get one way or the other. Just hang on to your hats., and hope if Boris wins his better relationship with Trump, may push up rates again. 

  21. I just been back in SL for two hours June 2019, and promptly uninstalled it again. main reason, Just empty of avators,  the Bots in stores instead of real people have contributed to the lack of social interaction Once seen, even on shopping trips, used to pick up a couple of new friends to hang out with. I see shopping is mostly done by only one person, yet in 2010 pairs were the norm. sandboxes, once  busy were empty. Blakes seas were unusually quite, with most of the old Airports that used to be full devoid or decayed of any activity.

    With me, I last spent a linden$ back in 2016....I..haven't spent any since then , because  For me June 2016 was great, I was getting 1.49$ to my 1 GBP. I could afford to rent land and not be financially pushed as an OAP.

     But, since our  Brexit nightmare, its only 1.26$ to one GBP. now.   In real terms, it would  add almost £10 a week to my tier, of any large land or Homestead. Plus large purchases on market Street have had to be put on hold. I still dont understand why Second Life uses in game currency linked to real time financial markets. With UK players its a serious problem, and many have gone on to play other games with steady fixed buys or payments, that are not linked to any market. Over the years, the rise and fall of countries currency have taken a real hit, in what expendable income one is limited to. If the UK does go out on October the 1st with no deal, the pound as I know it, I believe will just crash further and lead to a recession , and  for many who, like have been in SL for 10 years or more, UK  veterans who literally helped built SL you see today will no choice than to spend on basics of energy overpriced fuel and food and clothing, rather than gaming.

    I would like SL to realise that still floating L$ on dramatically changing real time markets is now an outdated policy, and is only helping to lower the spending rates of  residents in the same position as me, on fixed  pension  incomes, and no room for increasing spending power. As using European time zone, Im quite shocked by the emptiness of nearly every sim I went to on my bookmarks from 2016. What is your experience returning after a three year Break be interesting to here.

    • Haha 1
  22. I haven't been on Second life for a very long time. Its become a very bad impersonation to what is was, Im 10 years old in it, and find, now, the social inter activeness seen in stores, or clubs is missing. Stores dont have real owners now, only BOTs... Every one seems now to nervous to talk to anyone, hence for me, the days of 2010 has long gone, while rents and land remain at such a price struggling residents like me in the UK with a weak pound to the US$ makes buying Linden$ a no no. So linden labs actual turnover is probably falling and falling. While the likes of Transport Tycoon on Steam provide creator made Airliners, ships , cargos, and cities to build, SL is falling behind the gaming market even faster. When I managed dance clubs, dancers made a 1000L a week, now dancers are dying out, while AFK dolls unfairly make money for sick owners, while not even being in second life. The Days I used to spend , my last was 2018, which was a waste of time despite putting 600 hours into a project, and £300 + in rent and objects, just wasn't enough residents to go around. Every time i re install Firestorm, within 7 days I uninstall it again, as there is nothing to do. Im a combat sim person from Remembrance, once a 12 sim lycan, vampire, etc combat sim.  All these combat sims have gone, mainly because of teen grid being merged. Owners of sims struggled to  keep teens from breaking rules set in concrete, more than one tearful owner of a a full  paid for sim, packed up in a month, citing enormous stress trying to implement combat skills and rules, which these teens, unlike in 2010 abided by, or were punished. Todays teens dont understand humility or want to be governed by rules made for the benefit of every player being treated as an equal, and fairness against an opponent. Gorean continues to forcefully put insane rules, that causes so much confusion, hardly anyone is seen in them even in valkerie Forests.  Rape and pillage is not acceptable these days, and thats what Gor is all about. If it was Game Of Thrones, with defined sim complexes, with the North, the Crownlands, Kings landing, and Dorne spread over 12 sims. that would be worth pledging support to a house. but there is no will left for people to pay out 800$ for one sim, that may hardly break even let alone make a profit.  Time for a new platform that is affordable to most people on average incomes, not like SL which is for the rich only, on handsome incomes. Like many Im now retired. My income is fixed pension government amount. I have to work to a tight budget, and that doesnt include paying vast amounts of money to LL unless I see a reasonable return for my investment.

    Of course the main reason for its decline is outdated grid system, which makes sailing or driving or flying hard. Until LL get their finger out and make seamless oceans for cruisers and long haul airliner Flights, second life will remain the dinosaur it is. LL has no further interest in what is needed, they just sit back and let the BOTS take over.


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