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Fugazi Rubanis

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Everything posted by Fugazi Rubanis

  1. Hey guys, I got this MOSTLY working now, using this: default{ state_entry() { // set sit target, otherwise this will not work llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, ZERO_ROTATION); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key av = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (av) // evaluated as true if key is valid and not NULL_KEY { llGiveInventory((av),llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)); } } }} Unfortunately as it's a set of 4 linked poseballs, the items are given to each person both on sit and to the remaining sitters on stand. Any way to correct this behaviour other than unlinking them and serving them as a group? I suspect a for each statement, and this scares me =\
  2. Oh duh, of course! I got it working thanks a lot guys!!
  3. default{ state_entry() { // set sit target, otherwise this will not work llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, ZERO_ROTATION); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key av = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (av) // evaluated as true if key is valid and not NULL_KEY { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)); } } }} That's as far as I got with it, and it still won't work. Cannot figure out why. Maddening! Thanks for pointing me on the right path, though - I thought I was in the right ballpark but it's just...arrrgh.
  4. Hey guys, Newbie LSL scripter here - I'm trying to make a script that gives an object to an avi when they sit on a poseball, but I can't seem to find the right event/function combination to do it. Any advice you could give would be awesome. Thanks!
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