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Pixels Sideways

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Posts posted by Pixels Sideways

  1. So I wanted to reply to a  feature request on the feedback portal and it said to log in and I did and it took me back to this page:

    And that has a link to the official feedback potal  which takes me back to here:


    and wants me to login again and takes me back to bug report page and that link I noted 

    I'm caught in a loop that won't let me log into the feedback portal.  I'm logged in as you can see here.

    What's up with that?

    I wanted to add Jira nfo to a similar/same feature request which I put on the Jira a couple years back,







  2. I had a similar issue this month - was using older 10.11 Catalina on a 2014 MACBOOK AIR and when FS had mandatory update, could not log into FS or any viewer update I installed on my laptop.

    I had to update to Catalina 10.15.7.  FS works for now.

    I should update to the next level 11.0000  I think Big Sur.  That is as high as my 2014 MacBook Air will go. 

    Here are some helpful links on macworld 

    This one has list of macs and what OS they can run


    This is  the list  of all the mac os versions



    Hope that helps.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    This is what it looks like. This prim has both PBR and legacy maps, and the pic was taken in the current (non-PBR) iteration of FS, so what you're seeing is the Blinn-Phong materials.

    Short answer: it looks just fine.

    (Gosh, I'm definitely getting my money's worth out of this corset dress!)


    Thanks, Scylla.

    So no change then.  Hope all creators get this anf texture likewise.



    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

    If this helps (and I just uploaded this material so it's rough and not prime time so just for the purpose of a rough demonstration. I quickly uploaded both legacy and PBR type materials for this (legacy would need some work)).

    Same basic environment used in each for ease and same model. The 1 and 2 have additional HDRI and Reflection Probe Ambiance set in the EEP in the LL Viewer.

    1. PBR Materials on LL PBR Viewer - >  https://gyazo.com/9cef5a1681c72d2f8fad816d97ace8f2

    2. Legacy Material on LL PBR Viewer - > https://gyazo.com/15032b5eaf0e96d126f1853fe41e36e3

    3. Legacy Material on Firestorm Legacy Viewer - >  https://gyazo.com/02cd218ca354abff0e43ee9ab3031f28

    Legacy has a base, normal and specular included - on this one using these settings I would redo legacy textures if moving this item to PBR too.

    Curious - what does the PBR material layer over the Legacy materials look like on a Firestorm Legacy viewer?

    I think that is the key concern. From what I read, there is no change for Legacy viewers - it looks like Legacy Materials with no white-out ot texture degradation.


    And to get the full effects of PBR on PBR viewer, you need to set EEP to super dark settings?

    I often use neutral or anon optimal WL setting bc it smoothes out skin tones but that bright wash of light would kill PBR effects, yes?

  5. 19 hours ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

    Hi just so nobody is confused!

    For our PBR items we hav,e per our many posts here and copious testing and involvement in multiple JIRAs, been very invested in getting a good experience for our customers.

    For avoidance of doubt our PBR items work for legacy viewers and will continue to do so (so no white textures!)  We include a legacy version that does not have the reflection probes attached (the core difference) as those would be a PITA on a legacy viewer but they are fully textured so anybody visiting your house too will see a textured version no matter what viewer you use (or what version you rezzed PBR or legacy).

    We put a sign since last week with our first PBR release (and our second one came out today) noting that legacy viewers will see legacy textures (not plain white or plywood materials) - > NOT that they would see a plain white texture!  https://gyazo.com/0651af329ce5aadf596aa5c8751afea2

    Sorry to quote - just wanted to ensure nobody is giving misinformation about our products here on the forum.  We take it very seriously as we have been working really hard during PBR testing to ensure our customers have a great experience, no matter what viewer they use.

    Thank you, Charlotte.

    I appreciate the thought and work you've put into this.

    I am a huge fan of your work so I will rez the PBR house to see how it looks with my non PBR Firestorm viewer.

    It seems throughout this topic a lot of folks don't know they can layer both materials and PBR so objects are fully textured and visible to all viewers.

    As I noted to Quartz, LL should have a GIANT DO THIS > How To Use Both BP & PBR on their PBR page / wiki to make this clear to all creators so texture visibility should never be an issue to any viewer.



    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

    Sorry, but I don't understand.  You can apply both in the same viewer if you use the Official Viewer.  As Scylla notes above, you just have to apply the Blinn-Phong textures first.   Presumably when Firestorm release their PBR viewer, you'll be able to do the same in that viewer, too.  Or have I misunderstood something? 

    There are conflicting posts so maybe this needs to be explained in a simple How To.Texture PBR Objects And Make Them Visible To Non PBR Viewers.   As in Step one - do this first... and so on so everyone knows they can create content in the PBR viewer that is visible to PBR and non PBR viewers.

    It sounds like you add BP materials to the base textured object first then add the PBR next and that solves the viewer issue for creating and makes he textures visible via any viewer, yes? Or no?

    But if you can do both types of texturing effects in the PBR viewer, why doesn't the graphics settings have the same setup as the previous non PBR version with an added choice to turn PBR on or off and turn ALM on/off, or neither, etc.?  That would make sense. Then you could turn off PBR and check the BP materials visibility after adding PBR without having to switch viewers.

    And for non creators, it's also an option if PBR becomes an issue for whatever reason.

    As I noted in my first reply, there are times I need to dial down my graphics settings to move better/faster and so on.  So if PBR is more complex and demands more from graphics cards/processing than ALM settings, that will also be an issue as you can'y go a step back to ALM.

    Also someone wondered if PBR will increase LI cost like when you apply materials to a prim. Will it add to that?





    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

    Yes.  Blinn-Phong and PBR are completely separate.   If you're using a PBR viewer you see the PBR layers.   If you're not, you see the Blinn-Phong ones if the creator has applied any.  

    When we were making Winter Wonderland, because we weren't sure when Firestorm would have PRB ready, we had to texture everything twice, once with PBR materials and once with Blinn-Phong ones, to be sure everyone would see much the same thing.

    I think the moral of this story, though, is that content creators should always check what their creations look like in (at least) both Firestorm and the Official Viewer at several different viewer settings, which I have to say I knew to do well before I started to work for LDPW. 


    So why is the ability to do both not included in the same viewer to ensure that all bases are covered?

    As someone noted above, they have to open up a separate viewer to do the Bing Bang Ping Pong aka ALM to apply materials then open up a PBR viewer to apply PBR on top.

    This seems counter productive.  Having the ability to do both in the same viewer would make it a lot easier for content creators to apply both which would then be visible to all viewers / residents.  And being able to select what you want to see - PBR or ALM or neither would make sense as well.

    And TY for all the fun stuff you all create.  Just need to nibble the ankles of LL programmers to fix this and make it multi-user friendly from nutin applied old school to Bing Bang Ping Pong/ALM materials to Peanut Butter & Jelly/PBR all in the same viewer. 






  8. On 12/9/2023 at 3:57 PM, Quartz Mole said:

    As I understand it, it's a myth that lots of people log into SL with very low spec machines -- LL see the default graphics settings that viewers apply when they're installed, whatever people may later set them to, and apparently the vast majority of users have machines that can easily handle medium to higher-range graphics settings.    The only sizeable constituency who use very low end machines are bots, who are logged in on text-only viewers for obvious reasons.

    Certainly from I've been told, people won't find that PBR means they can't log in.   It shouldn't make a big difference to people's performance, at least not with the Official Viewer.  And that's been our experience in LPDW, where we use a wide variety of different machines,  and those of who have them, have deliberately been testing PBR viewer on our low-end backup laptops. 

    If your machine can't cope with particular PBR features, you won't see them, just as not everyone has been able to use particular graphics settings in the past.  It shouldn't spoil your SL.

    I responded earlier to this re my MacBook Air specs, etc. Since then. I came across PBR in use in SL.

    I use Firestorm which is not PBR yet.  Specifically Firestorm version ( because I'm on a Flintstone laptop running an old Mac OS.

    I have noticed two merchants I frequent - Azoury & Scarlet Creative - have begun to use PBR in their creations, both have had to put signs out warning residents that if they are not using the new SL PBR viewer, they will only see a plain white texture, which is true.  Azoury has incorporated PBR into some parts of their new store and Scarlet into the buildings they sell.  Scarlet is aware of the issue so has included a "legacy non PBR" building in their package,

    This seems like a huge *****-up on behalf of LL that if PBR effects are applied and you are not using a PBR viewer then all you see is only a blank white surface.  At least with ALM and local lights, if you turn off those features you can still see the texture without the added materials.  They will lack the depth and realism and light reflections but the texture detail and color is still there.

    Making PBR a do or die situation in which objects using PBR are stripped of their texture visibility is a really bad mandatory feature implementation.  There should be a way that, using non PBR viewers or features, should just make the shiny reflective surface not shiny or reflective but the texture still visible.

    PBR should be one more feature step above ALM, not a total replacement and definitely not a texture killer.  It should be another "layer" above ALM and if you turn it off, you still have ALM materials and if you turn ALM off, you still have textures visible and can still use the build tools to apply shine levels - which I find I need to use so I don't have LI blowing up on large or "tortured" prims which is what happens when I apply materials.  Having not yet used the new SL viewer, I don't know if the add shine feature is still available in the basic build tools window.  But doesn't matter if an object is PBR.

    I will try the new SL viewer if it will even work on my OS but even without PBR, it's not as useful as Firestorm - especially for building -  plus other features which is why I - and so many others - choose Firestorm over SL viewers. 

    This baffles me more than anything - why LL didn't spend $$ hiring / acquiring the Firestorm team and tech and implementing those cool features into SL viewers to make SL viewers a whole lot better.

    And so many other common sense practical applications that have lingered on the SL Jira for years and years and years.

    I get having flashy cool stuff like "real" reflective surfaces such as mirrors is a neat thing to add another layer of "reality" to the SL experience but PBR just seems not well thought out in how it seriously degrades the experience for those not using PBR.  It reminds me of the implementation of mesh and how mesh objects were insanely distorted if you did not use a mesh capable viewer.

    As noted, it's one thing to not see a reflective surface on PBR objects but it's a whole other WTF to not see anything at all.  Which absolutely does spoil your SL experience.

    This isn't to say LL should not try to improve user experience with new and improved features but how the implementation of those features affects users is crucial in the decision process. And when the decision seems to be, "well, too bad this will be problematic for a huge portion of our users but it works for us and that's all that maters," then you are failing not only your loyal  user base but ultimately, SL and LL as well.








  9. 4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Not necessarily. I think the claims that SL won't work on some hardware are overblown (the claims, not the hardware).

    SL can run on old hardware with everything set to lowest graphics settings which means you will never see the world as intended which vastly diminishes the SL experience.

  10. On 12/17/2023 at 8:27 AM, Quistess Alpha said:
    • scripts in clothing shouldn't cause much of a problem for the wearer, their impact is almost entirely on LL's servers.
    • 'script scrubbers' don't work like that, they're only needed to clean up certain 'permanent effects' like continual spinning, and hover-text that some scripts can apply to an object.
    • The only/best way to remove scripts is to manually delete them from the object's contents (be sure to check each link)  which only works if the object has mod permissions, or use the 'remove/deactivate scripts' button on the HUD for the object if there is such a button.

    Animations in animesh objects get embedded like rots do in prims.   It can be near impossible to clean the animesh.  Reg scrubbers didn't seem to work.  Someone gave me an animesh scrubber script that is no mod so I am curious what code / reference in the script would specifically relates to aniimesh.  Thoughts?

  11. 22 hours ago, animats said:

    SL users should not have to be aware that the interest list system exists. This stuff is way below the user level.

    A brief summary for non-technical people:

    Unlike most games, SL viewers start out with no content inside them. Everything has to come in over the network. Each region is managed by a simulator program, and those talk to each other and the viewers. Simulator programs know what's in their region at all times. Viewers start out knowing nothing about that. Simulators send viewers a list of what's currently in draw range. When a region first appears, there's a big list sent, and thereafter, each simulator sends updates as you move around.

    If the simulator's world view and a viewer's world view ever get out of sync, they won't get back in sync until the avatar leaves the area and comes back. Mostly they do stay in sync, but there are bugs. Currently, those mostly involve teleports and logins, where a huge interest list update is blasted out to each viewer as the avatar enters. Sometimes, especially in regions with many avatars, not all the info gets delivered. When that happens, some objects will not appear in the viewer at all. In regions with many avatars, you sometimes see some avatars with missing body parts.

    Exactly why that happens is not well understood.

    Hi animats

    This is a bit off topic but why does a mesh that is specifically created with a set number of vertices, edges, faces/triangles at a small size that is 2LI suddenly balloon up to 300L when increased to a much large size?   SL generated prims don't do this so why do imported meshes?

    And why does the cost of importing/uploading the same exact object at a larger size increase?

    If SL servers and viewers see and process the same exact object constructed with the exact same mesh, why does size matter and LI increases?

    And applying materials to SL prims that are huge does likewise?

    Can you explain this to me like I'm four years old? 

    This always seemed weird to me like it was intentional to have residents have to pay more in terms of upload fees and land with more LI to use scaled up objects. 





  12. On 12/9/2023 at 3:57 PM, Quartz Mole said:

    As I understand it, it's a myth that lots of people log into SL with very low spec machines -- LL see the default graphics settings that viewers apply when they're installed, whatever people may later set them to, and apparently the vast majority of users have machines that can easily handle medium to higher-range graphics settings.    The only sizeable constituency who use very low end machines are bots, who are logged in on text-only viewers for obvious reasons.

    Certainly from I've been told, people won't find that PBR means they can't log in.   It shouldn't make a big difference to people's performance, at least not with the Official Viewer.  And that's been our experience in LPDW, where we use a wide variety of different machines,  and those of who have them, have deliberately been testing PBR viewer on our low-end backup laptops. 

    If your machine can't cope with particular PBR features, you won't see them, just as not everyone has been able to use particular graphics settings in the past.  It shouldn't spoil your SL.

    Checks my existence...

    Nope, not a myth.

    I use a 13" 2014 MacBook Air running OS X El Capitan  + 1.7 GHz Intel Core i7 +  Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB   This is only computer I have and can't afford a newer one.

    So far I can still log in using FS Firestorm version (  The equivalent SL official viewer was laggy on this machine which is why I don't use it.  Plus FS has better intuitive build tools and things like an awesome area search and other features lacking in SL official viewers.

    I have created a lot of content in SL including fairly large builds for SL bday exhibits using Blender generated objects and SL prims.  I have everything in my viewer preference graphics turned on except for ambient occlusion and shadows - shadows slows me way down.  As do lots of avatars so I often slide my avatar complexity setting to minimal and derender avatars who are not friends in crowded places and so far, I have been ok.

    My lapdoggy does heat up like a furnace when using SL no matter what settings I use so I have to be mindful.

    I can see materials - not PBR since I'm not using that viewer.  When I want to move faster and decrease object/image rez times, I switch off ALM and local lights. I also set my draw distance to 92 and only increase it when I'm building something big or want to increase area search or look at something.

    There is a windlight water setting that acts like PBR and reflects the stuff around it but that's the only time I've seen actual reflections.

    I use point light and reflective image light settings in objects all the time for projects and can see those.

    I do think if I am forced to upgrade I may no longer be able to access SL bc of my OS which I have not upgraded yet bc I may lose some software that was on this when I got it.  And screw it up so nothing works.  If it ain't broke...

    Lets not forget the sinkhole of Sansar and the intentional bad decision to cut MAC users out entirely. We MAC users sort of operate in the margins of SL as LL seems to cater to the PC crowd though I know SL/TPV viewers do include upgrades for MAC OS.  Graphics cards in MAC laptops are limited.

    Anyway, just wanted Quartz to know those of us using Flintstone computers whether MACs or PCs are not a myth and the OP is correct that any new mandatory viewer upgrades may very well end our participation in SL as well as end our significant investments in content & assets we have created and purchased.

    I should note that a friend with a decent PC desktop and excellent internet connectivity and so on, got killed on the latest FS upgrade bc of that inventory pic generated thing.  He had to reinstall the previous version and will likely not upgrade until all the bugs are fixed or it becomes mandatory.  So while there are cool ideas being implemented in viewers, they don't always work out of the box or can be utilized.

    All new mandatory upgrade viewers should contain a legacy option so we can still access SL with older computers and operating systems.  It may not look as purdy and flashy with all the new bells and whistles but at least we can continue creating content for everyone and enjoying our experiences with friends and residents including Moles and Lindens.




    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  13. Unlike a rl grocery store, you do have the ability to exclude things - filtering - from search results,  The boolean function works if words are included in the object name and description text but it doesn't work for shops/owners names.  I also use the left sidebar filters - I find putting 1L in the item cost search criteria removes most demos from merchants who abuse the demo listings.   I think on/off blacklisting temporarily solves this and other issues in which merchants create these problems.

    It is a workaround until MP is cleaned up or retooled which may not be a priority for LL. But at least it would make searching for things on MP better. Also if LL removed shops that were not complying, that might motivate merchants/sellers to bring themselves into compliance to continuing benefitting from using MP..  


    • Like 1



    Sorry about caps lol  I wasn't paying attention. I don't want to retype. lol

    Also, merchants who intentionally deceive buyers should have their shops removed from MP.  Example of this are merchants who sell realistic textures of a vase, etc, but intentionally don't mention it's a 2D texture/image and not a 3d object. I've been fooled by this a couple of times.  New folks can get totally scammed by this malpractice.  Merchants get notified and their shop is removed until they add an appropriate and truthful description.

    Also, with the exception of sounds and scripts and possibly animations - but not poses, all merchants should be required to provide a clean accurate visible image of their item. No pic, no listing and their shop gets removed until they add an image/images.

    And the keyword abuse needs to stop.

    When shops are flagged/reported for this, LL should remove the store until the merchant fixes the issue.  

    To help merchants with accurate descriptions and keywords, LL should provide a list of accurate key words and numerous examples of how to list items and how to use keywords accurately and merchants should agree to this via MP TOS.   If they abuse this, their shop is removed until they fix the issue.  

    LL could work with creators and residents to create a library of visual references that covers all types of clothing, shoes, hair, cars, architecture, animals, etc,.  I've been collecting fashion infographics for my own education and amusement.  This would be really helpful for both inworld and marketplace shops and residents.  

    Let's say I might want a vintage victory rolls or Dorothy Hamill hairstyle but don't know the accurate term to search for those so and having a place that has images and names of hair styles as well as for clothing, shoes, furnishings, architecture, etc. by era and style would be amazing to look thru and get correct info.  This would also  help inworld stores in describing their products accurately and organizing better.  And it would be brilliant for MP.   There is sooooo much fabulous schtuuuf in SL that making it easier to discover things would really make SL so much better and increase sales and user engagement.  SL can be a huge time suck when you are trying to find things inworld to on MP.  And when people get frustrated, they won't buy thing and/or just leave.

    I realize some items have crossover use and may have keywords that bring them up in different categories but as others mentioned above, keyword abuse is a huge problem.  I should not see dozens of listings for a shop's crappy clothing come up when I'm searching for baroque porcelain vases. 

    LL could retool MP to make certain things mandatory before uploading such as is this a texture or an object. - use the same basic system categories as the inventory for the first  level, then mote accurate descriptions to follow.   I realize this exists already but before a merchant can even get to the next levels and categories, they have to do this  first category assignment.  This would prevent people from intentionally mislabeling their items and knowing if they do misrepresent their merchandise, their shop gets removed until they make the correction.

    Maybe merchants should be required to do a test course like you do before uploading mesh so they understand if they can't list their products accurately, their entire shop will be removed until they fix the issue. 

    I do think the excluding merchants - a blacklist like tool like we have on our viewers - would be awesome - so you can add/remove shops easily to refine searches,

    And bringing down the hammer on keyword abuse, deceptive practices, no images and spam would vastly improve user experience.

    Wasting shoppers time by trying to scam the system is not okay. Making MP more user friendly will make it easier to find and purchase things and increase sales which is a win/win for everyone. 


  15. Thanks for your reply, ChinRey.  Since I posted this, we had reset back to 4L and it seems to have locked into and held that number. 

    We are monitoring the object count on the parcel and it reflects the 4LI.

    I should have mentioned that my import/mesh upload into SL was under 5LI so that seems like it tracks. 

    Will update if it changes again.

  16. Hodeeee:

    I created a simple prim build using a variety of 16 cubes, converted it to mesh, imported back into SL with physics added. rezzed it, and it was 22LI convex hull.  When I switched to Prim to activate the physics, it dropped to 4LI.  

    I gave this build to a friend, he rezzed it and it was 22LI again as a  prim.

    He swapped to convex hull, then back to prim and the LI dropped back to 4LI.

    But later it switched back to 22LI.

    Why does it do this and how can we lock in the 4LI and prevent it from reverting to 22LI?

    It's really annoying and screws up the LI cont on the parcel,

    Thank you for your help.

    xoxo pixels

    here are pics of the build and the 4 LI count



  17. HOLA!

    I have an old Jopsy particle script that randomizes textures with a timer.  It's a cool  "teaching" script that allows you to learn about parameters of particles & change values so has a lot of extra stuff at the top.  I deleted the particle parameters edu annotations but left in ones for the main script functions.

    I have modded it with the following objectives:

    I added a listen event to start the particle process.

    I added a kill stop particles line to stop the particle process.

    The goal is when an avatar sits on an object, that object will tell the particle object to begin the randomizing texture particle process for 60 seconds then it stops until an avatar sits again..

    I used a sleep to set it to run for 60 seconds then it should stop until it's called again to start via the listen.

    It's not working.

    How do I tweak this to get it to start via the listen then stop the particles after 60 seconds?


    **  Ideally I would condense this so it's just the basic particle script and does not have it split with the input floats, integers, etc.  I tried that but the timer stuff is tied to the split particle stuff and could not clean it up and get it to work.

    TY for your help.

    pixels xoxo



    // Jopsy's Particle System Template v5 - Jan 28 2005

    //added listen

    integer channel = -36367;


    string       TEXTURE = "";

        integer textureNumber = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);

        TEXTURE = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, llFloor(llFrand(textureNumber)) );

        // Part-1 - APPEARANCE - Settings for how each particle LOOKS
        vector   START_SCALE = < 1.0,1.0,1.0 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 >
        vector     END_SCALE = < 1.0,1.0,1.0 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 >
        vector   START_COLOR = < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
        vector     END_COLOR = < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >; // < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >
        float    START_ALPHA = 1.0; // 1.00
        float      END_ALPHA = 1.0; // 1.00
        integer INTERP_COLOR = TRUE; // FALSE
        integer INTERP_SCALE = TRUE; // FALSE
        integer     EMISSIVE = TRUE; // FALSE
        float     AGE = 0.3; // 20.00
        float    RATE = 0.01;  // 0.1
        integer COUNT = 1;    // 3
        float    LIFE = 0.0;  // 0.0
        float      RADIUS = 0.10; // 0.00
        float ANGLE_BEGIN = 0.10; // 0.00
        float   ANGLE_END = 0.00; // 0.00
        vector      OMEGA = < 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 >; // < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 >
        integer      FOLLOW_SRC = FALSE; // FALSE
        integer FOLLOW_VELOCITY = FALSE; // FALSE
        integer            WIND = FALSE; // FALSE
        integer          BOUNCE = FALSE; // FALSE
        float         SPEED_MIN = 0.01; // 1.00
        float         SPEED_MAX = 0.01; // 1.00
        vector            ACCEL = < 0.00, 0.00, 0.10 >; // < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 >
        integer      TARGET_POS = FALSE; // FALSE
        key              TARGET = llGetKey(); // llGetKey();


        list particle_parameters = [
                PSYS_PART_FLAGS, (
                    (        EMISSIVE * PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK ) |
                    (          BOUNCE * PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK ) |
                    (    INTERP_COLOR * PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK ) |
                    (    INTERP_SCALE * PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK ) |
                    (            WIND * PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK ) |
                    (      FOLLOW_SRC * PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK ) |
                    (      TARGET_POS * PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK ) ),
                PSYS_PART_END_COLOR,       END_COLOR,
                PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA,       END_ALPHA,
                PSYS_PART_END_SCALE,       END_SCALE,
                PSYS_SRC_PATTERN,          PATTERN,
                PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE,       RATE,
                PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE,         AGE,
                PSYS_SRC_ACCEL,            ACCEL,
                PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS,     RADIUS,
                PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY,       TARGET,
                PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN,      ANGLE_BEGIN,
                PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END,        ANGLE_END,
                //PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE,       INNERANGLE,
                //PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE,       OUTERANGLE,
                PSYS_SRC_OMEGA,            OMEGA,
                PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE,          LIFE,
                PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE,          TEXTURE
        llParticleSystem( particle_parameters ); // Turns on the particle hose!



        {llParticleSystem([]);   //KILLS PARTICLES
        llSleep(2);  //GIVE IT A REST
             llListen( -33367, "", NULL_KEY, "" );  //LISTEN FOR STUFF
            llSetTimerEvent(2); //changes particles texture every x seconds

    listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )  //LISTEN FOR COMMAND
        if ( message == "mined" )  //LISTEN COMMAND TO START

            llParticleSystem([]); //turns off particles   // STOP
            llSleep(2);  //GIVE IT A REST

            mySetParticles(); // turn on the particles
            // llSetTimerEvent(60); // reset the alarm clock  //THIS IS TURNED OFF - NOT SURE HOW IT WORKS
            //play sound goes here
            llSleep(10);  //TEST TO SEE IF THIS WORKS & SHUTS OFF AFTER 10 SECONDS
            llParticleSystem([]); //turns off particles   // STOP
            //stop sound goes here








    ****  FIXED IT - I was today years old when I found out that Shout is limited to 100m and RegionSay is sim wide so got the Call Box to work. Yay!

    Also - read the LSL Wiki first, pixels. 🙂

    I'll leave this here in the event someone else might find it helpful.  xo


    Hola Again:  

    I made a simple elevator script that works.

    The call box in the elevator works with a listen and a Say "go here" to the designated floor coords.

    However, the external call boxes on each floor which I copied from the one in elevator and set to Shout rather than Say, don't work on the longer distance runs. 

    The external call boxes work if the elevator car is closer but the distance from ground floor to the top most floor is 80-90m and if the elevator car is on the top floor and I call it from the ground floor, it will not respond.   

    I thought Shout was sim wide so the listen in the elevator script could hear the command and respond anywhere on the sim.

    As noted, the call box in the elevator works and takes you from the underground straight to the top with no issue.

    What would cause the external Shout call box to not work?

    Been driving me cray cray trying to figure this out.

    TY for your help.



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