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Tripp Plunkett

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Posts posted by Tripp Plunkett

  1. 4 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    First thing I saw on the news today was pictures of bins full of rotting food which had been hoarded and gone out of date so chucked away.  When more people are dying from hunger around the world than they are of Covid-19,  this is truely sickening

    Mostly preventable. Pressure cooker and mason jars. I've personally eaten fruits that had been canned for over 13+ years. Entirely possible to can meats also though I am not sure how long shelf-life would be. Unsure how to can? duckduckgo is your friend. (Just don't let your pressure cooker explode.)

  2. Odds are in favor of survival. Hoarders are busy handling product that has been through many hands, not every package is loaded/boxed by one individual. So please, hoard away, we'll know where possible free loot is in 3 weeks after your purchase. (Depending on your current health, that is.)


  3. 47 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

    I guess my feats are more convincing people of stuff.

    1.  I was in a club back in 2009 and the conversation was about why there are condoms in SL.  So I piped up with that there needs to be condoms in SL cos if you have sexytimes with someone who has prim ladybits, well that's where prim babies come from and then LL will make you pay prim baby support etc.  The guy ACTUALLY believed me!

    2.  An old SL boss of mine was EXTREMELY gullible.  I convinced her that NZ does not have the Easter bunny, we have the Easter Pukeko (pic attached).  Being a school teacher, she went to school the next day and told all her students about the Easter Pukeko.



    Moral of the story...I'm full of poop! 

    I don't know whether to believe you or not because of that last line but if #2 is true, that is pure gold.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

    I'm newbie when it comes to how the Cornfield used to be a thing. Did you just get put there for a set time? I know Google is probably my friend, but while you're waiting for your inventory to recover, you could be telling me a bedtime story. Won't take long, my left eye has gone to sleep already. 

    Yes, I was supposed to be in there for a week or two. What happens is you could not see any other users who were placed there, you could not send IMs, you couldn't open landmarks from inventory. You could, however, still send/receive inventory. I made a notecard, sent it to a friend. We sent a couple back and forth until I he sent me one with a landmark attached. Could open the landmark from the notecard and teleport out. Problem was, the issue with unable to send IMs/local chat followed with. So, being naive, I contacted live support when that also was a thing. Explained how I got out and in turn they temp-banned me for the rest of the duration I was supposed to be in the cornfield.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Nowhere does it say clearing cache is a last resort. I don't think you even bothered to read the page. Oh well. You do you. I only spent over 5 years on the support team helping people fix that problem without ever needing to file a ticket. :P

    Ah, my bad, just read in two different places that clearing cache is a last resort type of thing since inventory switched from UDP to HTTP. Figured it was like a typical tech-support response of, "Did you try turning it off and on?"

  6. Currently as I wait for a response to a filed ticket of massive inventory loss (yes, it is lost. Still intact on preview grid, maliciously removed from main. thx obama) I want to know what great feats you have achieved! Current stress-testers need not respond, you should actually tone it down. A lot. Reality is now trolling the world, give SL a break. - - - Anyhow, I escaped the cornfield (when it was a thing) with a notecard. What have you done? (Your own feats, not a tool/hud/script purchased or distributed freely.)

    tripp in the corn field.png

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