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Dove Randt

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Everything posted by Dove Randt

  1. I can’t find it anywhere or I’m not looking hard enough.
  2. I checked Flickr to see if the owner has it listed on their Flickr but it’s not. Does anyone know where this shirt is from.
  3. I know Reign/Flite had some but she hasn't updated her store in ages and so many things are missing. I am looking for some really realistic crocs, kind of like verso looking quality. if anyone knows anyone who makes them please give me some suggestions.
  4. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fairytopia-Tatto-Malaika/9793357 I tried to ask the creator of this item but she wont tell me
  5. so what is the point in having the tos saying dont share IMs if they ae just going to ignore their own law anyway. It is not an argument between two residents it is a tos rule being broken regardless if the chat was all friendly and nice the fact is the tos was broken. You do not share chat IMs ever.
  6. Well you may not but my biggest issue is them sharing the IM with the sim owner though I did report them, not sure what good it will do.
  7. So I admit I am a traffic cone jumper. I went to one sim that owns a few cones. It is an adult sim but that isnt the point anyway. I went there and moved out of the way of the cone im practically against the wall and a guy comes in after im there for a few minutes and walks right into me pushes me along the wall. So I Im him and ask him to watch where he is going. He tells me he didnt rezz and started walking and i told him to let things rezz next time. We then get into this big argument and apparently I need mental help and he will pray for me (rolls eyes). So I tp out after I collect my money and next thing I know the next day I am banned from the sim. I ask the sim owner why I was banned and she rudely tells me that she doesnt appreciate people being rude to her friends and a double insult is that he was earning money on her sim. So "apparently" i was in the wrong here and she only found out what was said because he showed her the chat IM. Now correct me if im wrong but I thought it was against TOS to show another person's IM without their consent.
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