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Jezabel Giano

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Everything posted by Jezabel Giano

  1. Thank you, I got it now. My mistake was not check "owner makes contribution"... Thank you for help
  2. Thank you for the response. I got suck on entering the number m2 of contribution. it says I can contribute 0 max in the group profile. I have all the land rights in the group as well as land, is there anything else I am missing? https://gyazo.com/0307292f7b392913680a3f1116138cc2 Thank you for the help
  3. Hello, Me and friend trying to make a group so we can join our parcels located in same region next to each other, but keep on getting error message: "Deeding parcel failed because the group does not have enough land credits." What does it mean and why, did we set up group wrong or is it something else? We just want group so it's easy to build stuff across the land border and use prims together, using the premium allowance. Thank you for help
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