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Alax Petrov

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Posts posted by Alax Petrov

  1. I'm having the same issue with my GTX 460. I thought I was alone by all the wrong answers I have seen from nVidia AND Second Life. I've tried everything. The only way I can log into SL V3 is to completely empty my computer's cache in SL application data. THEN, I can log on ONCE and play for as long as I like. The second time I try to log with the same avatar, it fails. MORE answers PLEASE!!!

  2. Thank you Peewee for your answer. Part of my question was "where". If I were wanting to cancel and rebid where would I track that? It doesn't say anything about that in the email I received and I don't see it anywhere in my account info.

  3. I made a buy offer a few days ago and the USD money was removed from my account. However, I haven't heard any word about it. I've done this before in the past and have had no problems. Usually the notification comes within a day. Is there a place I can track what my bid was? And how long should I wait before I start worrying about my money?

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