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xela Sweetwater

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Everything posted by xela Sweetwater

  1. How does one switch from a premium SL account back to a basic SL account?
  2. heart broken husband! ='( Seeing everything in our marrage was going great! Slowly notice a change in my wife's feelings towards me when she joined a virtual reality on-line sim i was playing for a few years and notice she changed the passwords in our home PC. Also noticed her logging out of the sim once i walked though the door home from work. Our House was untouched & the way it was when i left in the morning, due too she spent her whole day on that sim, whilst i was off to work. So once i got into our home PC she spill the password to me while she was at work & she bolted it home cause she wasn't off till late but flew in the house 40mins later too explain herself . Behold of my surprise on the chat logs i found on there: coo's, hugs & kisses between them was a shock but to hear she was snooping around on my laptop PC while i was away from it & when i left it logged on. Trust is a major issue here in this household now. She told me she was just expolring her other side she never explored before? WTF? to start something with a on-line stranger was is her way to explore and satisfy some sicko in N.Y.? what if i didn't find out about this trist? how long would she carry this on? or what would have come out of this if i didn't intervene? Well i totally lost her now. 17 years of our lives are going to be gone. I'll miss you C.H. Thank-you for the best years of our lives! Lots of loves & xoxo forever, X.S.. ='(
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