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Siwan Sandalwood

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Posts posted by Siwan Sandalwood

  1. " I have an account there but I haven't logged on for about a year (maybe longer)."

    If you haven't logged in in a year maybe longer, maybe you should before talking about what InWorldz is like now. I find them very responsive to customer service, and I like that they still use Viewer 1 technology, which I felt wasn't broke in the first place. Most of the people I've met there are friendly. More and more stores have been opening there over the past year, and prices are low since sim costs are low and prim counts are high, resulting in low overhead. Also, $75/month (plus only $75 start-up fee) is the maximum price for a sim. It goes down the more you own so that many groups who previously had only a couple of sims are creating whole continents. Lag has improved, and I find that sim crossings are much smoother than in SL. Not bad for a small company run by just a few hard-working people. Keep in mind, it only started up just over a year ago when you last logged in, and I've seen it grow by leaps and bounds in that time!

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