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Paris Firelyte

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Everything posted by Paris Firelyte

  1. I lost 4 weeks of tiers paid to Omega Properties. Come to find out. Chaos Ametza did not own the land in the 1st place. Dreamland did. Chaos was paying premiums to Dreamland for the sims. He was renting them out to us. There are several people who were ripped off by Chaos Ametza. I have a list of the people. I reported the LAND Fraud to Linden Labs because I paid my tiers on 7/4/2011 and 1 week later Dreamland reclaimed the land because Chaos didn't pay the premium. I reported the incident to Linden Labs. I think Linden Labs may have banned him from SL. Not sure. What I DON"T understand is why is his building OMEGA PROPERTIES still there? If LINDEN LABS and SECOND LIFE both know that Chaos Ametza ripped off several people for tiers (because we reported it). Why won't they remove the rental building from SL? Makes no sense to me and it is a HUGE slap in the face to all the people that he stolen from. I can not believe they would allow this. Paris Firelyte
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