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Janelle Arashi

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Everything posted by Janelle Arashi

  1. Every few days I have two sims that have a rollback forced upon them. Literally, every few days. Yesterday I was on the sim and it did a rollback during a breedables auction (that was a nightmare) Today, the adjoined sim did a rollback during an auction as well (more nightmares). The funny thing? My partner, our alt and myself are the only estate managers, and our estate owner AND ourselves have NEVER once submitted a request for a rollback, yet these are a daily or every other day occurance for us. What's going on? Why are my sims constantly being rolled back without our consent or us asking for it? EDIT: THESE ARE NOT RESTARTS Items disappear or reappear, Rental times change, land info changes, prims missing etc etc etc after the sim crashes - THES ARE ROLLBACKS NOT RESTARTS
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