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Latamier Longstaff

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Posts posted by Latamier Longstaff

  1. Thank you to all 4 of you that respoded to my question.

    I was only asking to find out other peoples opinions so that I may evolve and understand why people charge for it. In doing this, I wouldn't think about it as being a bad thing - and therefore gladly pay what ever their affiliate cost is.

    To Chic:

    " lots of folks pick them up. Lots of folks that the original creator might not really want as an affiliate (let's say going back in time to 2006 style shops?). "
    This makes sence since you are not only selling products these days, but also a brand. And that is harder to keep as something possitve.

    "Of course I am not in favor of the whole process LOL; I would rather see the person making the items selling the items. If they want more exposure they can open up boutique shops themselves."

    I do agree with you about this, but...
    I do make original items and will have a room just for my stuff but I do really enjoy creating places for people to come to and enjoy and I use the affiliate vendors as a way to support these places.

    The main reason I have brought up this question now is that I just "treated" myself (and my S.O.) to a whole sim and I am busy creating the place for people to visit and not so much products to sell yet.

    As far as people using it to get discounts by thier alts:
    I am glad to say that I am honest enough to would have never thought of that on my own. (and you people that are doing that - what's wrong with you, geez)

    And thank you Amethyst for the great input on this one. Come payday I will add some extra $L to the list and pick up some of those vendors that charge.

    Thanks again and see you on the virtual side :)

  2. One thing that has crossed my mind, and I really hope I am wrong about this, is that the cost is making up for the sales that the creator isn't getting from their customers.

    When I see some one asking for more than maybe $L1000 for their program, it really makes me think that maybe the items are not selling well for the creator.

    I hope it's not true, but it would be a way of making some $L


    I do agree with you about the showing of being serious. But you would think that just by buying the program (even if it's free) and taking the time to put it out, should do that.

    Oh and another reason I guess I don't get why they charge - If I am putting out their vendors, I am already paying - the tier for the prims that I am using for them in the first place.

    If there are any creators that are reading this that do charge - please give us the reason why. Inquireing minds want to know.


    BTW- If there is any creators that have an affiliate program that they want me to use, please send them to me. I am more than happy to give them a chance in my flea market.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.



  3. Hello and thank you for viewing and replying.

    I am a big time user of affiliate vendors for my places. What I have notices is that (what seems) more and more places charge $L 1000 to over $L 5000 for you to get their affiliate vendors.

    I realize that it is their product and I know they have a right to do it - I understand that part.

    What I wonder about is what are they getting out of it ? (besides the fee that they charge of course.)

    Can anyone explain this to me please ?


  4. If you have a product line of anything that fits on a woman and would like some help getting it to the public, send it to me.

    I am especially looking for affiliates that feature the following items.

    All types of clothing - mesh especially.

    Shoes / footwear - Especially the slim line

    Caspervend Vendors are perfered, others can be used.

    Even if all your things will fit into one vendor or a very large room full, I will be more than happy to display them.


    Where they will be displayed :

    Latatudes Flea Market (better knows and Latamiers Flea Market)



    I am creating a unique shopping experience and would like to share this opportunity with you.

    Questions ?  Send me an IM / notecard or come talk to me in person.


    Looking forward to doing business with you.





  5. Just wanting to hear from other business owners if there is any other way besides getting someone to join your group, to keep in touch with them.

    As you already know, we are only allowed 42 groups and once you have used them - you must trade out to get another.

    (if the LL gods are listening by chance - 1000 or so would be nice)

    I for one have been out of group spots for a while now. Is there any other way to keep in touch or keep track of the people that want to hear from you - or that supply you ?


    I have had this one company in particular, but it has been a while since I used thier service / item that I have forgotten their name and have lost the info in my inventory.



  6. latatudeslogoMP.png

    Need a place to hang out with your friends or maybe make some new ones ?

    Come over to Latatudes. SLs newest hangout spot.

    Get your friends in on a game. We have  Zilch (greedy), Cards Against Humanity, 5 Straight, Tripps, and U-know plus a few more.

    We also have bowling, whack a mole AND whack a NOOB, and skeeball.

    You can also show off your inner rock star, basketballer, DJ or dancing skills on one of our fun machines.

    Or get a prize from our dip wheel, slot machine, and other fun little games.

    And to top it all off - we have it all encased in a Womens Wear and Shoe Shop along with some of my (Lats) original creations.

    I have only mentioned a little bit of what is available. You should really come and see for yourself.

    So if you want something different, come to Latatudes and have some fun.

    Here is your free ticket there.

  7. I am looking for affiliate programs for my flea market.


    If you sell womans clothing and / or shoes, send your affiliate package to me along with a notecard full of details.

    I will also need a copy / mod version of your logo if you have one.

    Come see what I offer now and get the idea of how I plan to use your vendors.

    Here is the SLURL.   Click on the teleporter and go to either the Womens Wear or Shoe Department. Of just feel free to wonder about the whole thing.

    I do NOT mix yours with any one elses. You will at least have your own wall - if you don't have very many. Or if you have tons - you may even get your own room.

    Thank you for your time,



  8. There is a lot to see and do here.

    How about a short list for starters:

    Contest: Weirdest Profile Pic - 40$L for the winner with seond & third runner up prizes.

    Get your friends in on a game of Zilch (greedy), Cards Against Humanity, 5 Straight, Tripps, and U-know at one of our tables.

    We also have bowling, whack a mole AND whack a NOOB, and skeeball.

    You can also show off your inner rock star, basketballer, DJ or dancing skills on one of our fun machines.

    Or get a prize from our dip wheel, slot machine, and other fun little games.

    And to top it all off - we have it all encased in a Womens Wear and Shoe Shop along with some of my (Lats) original creations.

    So if you want something different, come to Latamiers Flea Market and have some fun.

    Here is an SLURL for you.

    New Lat FM Logo.png


  9. Monti:


    I for one look for help on here. I spend all my SL time (time in world) either building or setting up a business. So this forum really helps because I can do it when I can't log in. If you talk to many builders, they will tell you that they probably don't know many people - they spend their time building. ( i know that I maybe actually spend time with less than 10 people in world).

    Not trying to start any drama.. just stating my point of view ...



  10. Are there events that you want to have but just don't have the the freedom or room to do them?

    We realize that if the club is of a certain genre then the events usually stay with that genre - and that is great. That is what makes a genre club an awesome place to be.

    Club Latatudes however isn't your normal kind of club.
    It is genre free.
    It is also free from a lot of rules that a lot of clubs have to have.

    We are looking for managers that can create events and help others with their event ideas

    Does this sound like something you would be interested in ?

    IM Latamier Longstaff for details.

    Come see the club.


  11. Looking for land that is about 900$L a week

    with 900+ prims and a very large area (the bigger the better in size)

    I am a builder and need a new place for my lab. The land I have now is nice but too small. I need some size to spread out and build.

    I have a 64 X 32 place now and it is too narrow. large skyboxes are fine

    Prims/ cost can be a little less but I would like to stay at the 1$L / 1 prim level

    Thank you,


  12. Latatudes is now open and free for your use.

    Latatudes is an adult club that features dance tables, games and 5 adult play rooms. BUT it is not your normal club.

    This club is FREE to use!
    That's right - no rental fee, no weekly tier to worry about.

                                 *** IT IS ALL FREE ***
                                     FREE FOR EVENTS
                                    FREE FOR DAILY FUN
    Simple Steps for Club Events:
        1. Stop in and schedule your event on the scheduling board just inside the door (it's huge - you can't miss it). This will claim your spot at the club on your selected day and time.

        2. If you are a DJ: Send an IM to Latamier Longstaff  saying you want to play at the club. You will be invited to the Latatudes Group as a DJ instead of a regular guest. (You will also get more rights to help you control the party).

        3. Advertise your event,  bring your friends, HAVE FUN.

    It is our goal to make it as user friendly as possible.
    If there are any problems or requests, you can find Lat lurking around or send an offline message and he will get it in his e-mail.

    Got an  idea or concern? Just send him a message!

    Now, we know you are thinking ... HOW can this club possibly be FREE?
    Yes, we have the same bills as everyone else. Money made from our partners who have things in our Flea Market and "The Closet"  help cover our costs. So please shop around.. help keep this club FREE FOR YOU! Of course, a tip in one of our jars is highly appreciated, too.

    Here is your free ticket.

    See you at Latatudes,

  13. Ok. the OP isn't entirely wrong.

    But we don't have to take it to those extremes. - can my smartphone handle SL in its glory? Not a chance.

    BUT - here is what we could do...

    You can log in to MP on there and still shop. - And maybe LL can make something that will make our posting to MP a little easier on a mobile device.

    Also - how about LL just make it to where we can do some of the smaller things on our phone/tablet ?

    I would love to be able manage my inventory on my phone instead of having to burn up precious game time doing it. Now that would be a good app.

    Can you think of any other "small things" that LL could do so we can make as much mobile as possible? List them below please..

  14. Things for sale ad:

    If any one has things to sell and cannot afford a place to sell them. Please send me your affiliate vendors, some information about your program and your store logo texture.

    Our Flea Market has room for low prim vendors with your products (1 - 2 prims each only).

    Affiliate vendors should at least pay 20+ percent. ( lower is fine if your items are higher priced). 

    On adult land so no restrictions on content.

    1 - 2 vendors gets you a place inside the flea market itself - 10 or more vendors gets you a spot in The Closet and a place on the TP board. (basically your own store).

    The Closet is set up like an open mall type shop with different rooms. Each room is something different.

    We also feature "Latatude's" - An adult club that is set up so that anyone who needs a place to hold an event can use it.

    Come take a look and see what we offer:

    Come on by.

    Thank you,

  15. So you just got started being a DJ ?


    You need a place to play and practice ?

    I have that and I am inviting you to come and show off your skills... (or if you really do need some place to practice - just come on by (no event needed).

    Join us here

    if you can't drop by now, just IM me and let me know that you are interested in practicing here.

    See you soon,


  16. I am opening a new and improved flea market and I would like to offer all types of items.

    I have been running businesses in SL most of the time and haven't had that much time to build my own things. I would like to supplement my offerings with your items.

    The land that it is on is Adult so there isn't any restrictions on content.

    People with larger offerings (25+ vendors) will get a corner space for a couple items and a TP to a store in a skybox for the rest of the collection.

    There are no booths to rent (becuase of the land rights / group rights) so your things will have to be in an affiliate vendor (Casper is preferred) - the less the prims of the vendors - the more of them I will put out.

    If you have any questions, please IM me or send me a notecard.

    If you have one prepared just send it to me and I will contact you when I open it.

    Thank you for your time,


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