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Slutmuffin Lane

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Posts posted by Slutmuffin Lane

  1. there are plenty of quality reseller packages that are FREE to "purchase" and you get a percentage of each sale, search reseller in the marketplace and filter price low to high, and flip thru till you find content you like at a percentage that makes taking up space on your land, also consider learning content creation :)

  2. to begin with I have made clothing before using the standard uv templates, 

    and I downloaded the multi chan hax and all seems to be working fine

    I am able to texture the multi chan hax template to start a new clothing item from scratch

    what I am looking for how to take a  clothing item created using the standard uv template and be able to view it and edit it on the multi chan hax

    I saw a youtube video showing a time lapse of  clothing creation and in it she was able to view the clothing item on both templates interchangeable, and go back and forth as she worked on it...

    but I cant seem to figure it out on my own


    specifically I am working with the upper body original uv template and the multi chan hax template that has the chest in the center and the sides of the back on each side

    thanks in advance


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