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Calamity Kessel

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Posts posted by Calamity Kessel

  1. Yup, they're still operating. I went to a clothing store for a riotvend and Riley Z popped in.  They were regulars on a sim I used to rent on at the end of last year and another I used to visit, roleplay, combat, and shops type place, and I thought for a while it was a friend's alts, but no.

    I haven't seen them yet where I currently reside.


    Incidentally the "Stop Right There Crasher Scum" and other HUD system mentioned earlier in the trhead are now no longer available or working, I'm told the SRTCS database was no longer accessible, and the other HUD is no longer listed on marketplace.  So.. these bots are not likely to be related to those systems unless there's a sneakier one in use still.


  2. I'm in the UK and also having this problem. It is the new local payments system, fouled up, I think.  I called the UK billing support number and got put through to a lady who told me they only handle US billing.  She also told me that despite the notices that "its all fixed now" they are still getting calls about there being a problem.

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