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Mike Denneny

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Posts posted by Mike Denneny

  1. One of the reasons I've heard they don't talk about some of their projects is because they don't want people to think they are getting something until they know they can do it.  There have been a lot of cool projects they started, but canceled because the scope became to big.

    I personally think that its not that big of a deal if they talked about what they were working on as long as it was clear that its not a promissed project and the reasons it was canceled were clear.

  2. A question I have is in regards to user engagement/ influence on secondlife platform.

    Currently in secondlife there are three user groups that meet on a weekly basis, but are pretty much free-for-all conversations around technical issues.   I'm wondering if the linden lab team is interested in composing a team of dedicated "Power Users/ Creators" that can articulate themselves well while having an influence in secondlife and large connections to communities/ user base.

    I believe a focused team like this could be very useful in helping linden lab make decisions in prioritising projects/tasks and having a more immediate understanding of the impact of those decisions.   I feel right now there is a lot of grey area between users and the lab.  Though there are certainly pipelines that can be taken, I've experienced first hand how easily ideas can get shot down with disengaging responses due to limited capacity.  This can be improved by offloading some of that required capacity/ effort to dedicated users.  

    Please advise,


  3. "We're thinking of cheaper and larger land supporting more scalable experiences. This will make it easier to create and successfully operate these types of experiences. "

    When you mention "cheaper/ more scalable land" are you talking about project sansar  or  the second life platform?

  4. Ebbe,

    I see you answered TYR's addtional questions, but the main focus of her post was around if linden lab is interested in sponsoring projects that provide "non business" related fun experiences.   Currently sims that want to create fun experiences need to create revenue and often face financial issues because of this.

    I'm also interested if this is a path linden lab would want to go down to promote new user engagement and logitivity of experiences that retain users.


  5. Anything like this would require a full re-write of the viewer which LL are pretty much avoiding at all costs.   Project sansar will support all platforms and will use the latest API's to allow the best experience!

  6. I actually did file a jira, which turned out to be a duplicate of a locked topic, which I had re-opened, but you still can't vote on it :(  

    I I understand that inworld building isn't as important with external mesh, but when bringing in multiple mesh objects it can be very useful to edit at the root!

    So I really hope it can be re-considered as valuable and most likely easy to implement.

  7. This is one feature that has had me using firestorm for the longest time.  If Linden lab could implement it, it would certainly make me and other builders more interested in making it our default viewer.

    Anyone know if this is a likely enhancement?

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