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Huntress Leigh

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Everything posted by Huntress Leigh

  1. In my experience, you setup the search on your SIM / Parcel. Then you have an object with the name of your company on it. You then edit the object and in the General Tab, you will see toward the lower area, a box you can check mark that says "SHOW IN SEARCH". This object will then show up when people search for something that is similar to their own search criteria. Also, do not forget the description inside of the object. You can name the object, but it also has a spot where you can Edit its description. All objects do. Hope this helps.
  2. Yes I do know the IP and URL etc etc. As I previously stated I am on the site. So once I made the report I was done with it. However you ALL are missing the point. Once I reported it I left this alone. I never brought this up ever again. I only made 1 report and thats it. They are still attacking me. And when I AR for these attacks, LL hasn't done anything about it. Thats what this thread is about. (( you asked them to remove it and then AR'd them.. that's more than one act. )) I get what your ALL saying here. However you must have missed where I mentioned that I am on that site. IT IS copyright. And according to LL I can just report it and be done with it. Well I have done that. AND I have already been through what you all have suggested. So why are you all attacking what I have already learned? What I am trying to get help here is the attacks I am STILL getting. And the way you guys type this up, its "well you made your bed now sleep in it" attitudes I am getting here. So basicaly in your eyes I screwed up and now I should pay for it from now on. Thanks for nothing.
  3. Yes, as you suggested its what I did and I left it alone. I have not bothered with this since. As for constantly blocking.. I do that too.
  4. Not everyone has a laptop and I have yet to see a Tower computer that comes with a MIC. Most do not. At least not here in Florida. I have been in MIC a few times so I am Voice verified, but not everyone has thought about a MIC when buying a computer. Laptops do not always come with webcam or MIC either. It depends. That and if they buy one of the older models that will play SL at least, then they stick with it if it works for them. So they end up never getting a MIC, or a webcam. As previously stated, many do not use MICs for lagitimate reasons. Paranoia is what keeps people going hmmmm.
  5. Its not harrassment if I only asked them one time to remove it. And thats all I did. Thats not harrasment. Harrasment is if you repeatedly did something. Look up the definition. As for blocking them, I have, and they have another account do it again.
  6. It was not PG, it was a woman in skimpy Langerie. And you have to understand, if I had this in my profile, someone would have ARed me. And I would have been banned as it a warning about my picture and copy rights has happened to me once already. So yea, you should now understand my point of view here.
  7. I think your missing the point. They are harrassing me after I asked about it. HARRASSING ME. If LL chose not to bother with the picture, so be it. But now they are harrassing me, and LL wont do ANYTHING about it. Calling me the C word and other choice names. Verbally Abusing me. This is one of the Options in the Abuse Report. I have shown proof of this to LL. And still, nothing happened. I still get the crap. I still get harrassed. So please stay on the topic of what this thread was about. Why is LL not taking care of the abuse reports ? And point taken about letting the website handle it. But they are. As I am on that website too. So this will get taken care of even if they have to deal with LL directly. Its been out of my hands for two weeks. I brought this up to the one who had the picture ONLY once. Period. I never spoke of this again. In fact I had forgotten about it. Until yesterday when they constantly sent me harrassing messages. Oh and for the record, I NEVER replied back to any of these messages.
  8. In all my years of playing this game, I have never seen a CLOSE letter. Not once. No I never said anything more after she said no. No trash talk or anything. I never trashed her even before that either. I dont even know her. So her sending her lackies to call me the C word as well as other people chiming in is totally uncalled for. When I filed the AR I had all the info to show them too. URL to the exact picture etc etc. There is no way, according to the TOS that she would have been able to use the picture in her first life tab, because she pulled it off of a public commercial site. Its against the TOS.
  9. I filed an abuse report on one individual who violated the TOS by putting a RL website media picture in her 1st life tab. A website I goto. I asked her to remove it she said NO. So I reported it. NOW I see her picture and its still there, AND now I am getting threating messages from her "friends / ALTs" calling me a **bleep** and other words. Bascially, I had to file another AR. This has been going on over and over. Why has LL not taken care of ARs ? I have never seen them actually take care of any of this stuff. EVER. These people can do what they want when they want and the Abuse Reports do nothing. So why has LL not taken care of it ?
  10. I am also deleting this account as well. Good to know you all. Had some fun times.. but now this is not worth it. Take 2 days for an account to be totally deleted. TC all.
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