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Ignatius Lytton

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Posts posted by Ignatius Lytton

  1. You are absolutely spot-on Amethyst. Hiya and myself have said exactly the same thing; especially in relationship to Lindens current bout of 'Ostrich syndrome' regarding this particular case.

    In respect to an earlier posting mentioning the possibility of Second-Life going 'belly up', LL are effectively promoting their own, slow, eventual downfall by inaction and indifference to those they are paid to serve. In the five-plus years our Group has been active on Second-Life, we have seen many who contribute RL finances to LL leave for good, - this has been especially apparent since the appointing of the current CEO. It makes no economic sense at all, for LL to be 'happy' to lose long-term Creators, who are, after all, the backbone of Second-Life's economy.

  2. One of the most surprising aspects of the entire, sorry episode was the Scout stating:-

    "We do not own, operate, or insure any Resident-run enterprise or services."

    I assumed it was common knowledge that Market Place was Linden owned and run! After all, we have no control over the way in which MP is programmed, or run. If a Scout isn't even aware of this, then all hope is lost.

    Incidentally, why should Sellers have to contact the 'Buyer'? It is inconceivable to have to carry out Lindens job for them, because of a terminally broken system. Contacting Buyers and asking for payment, is a possible invitation to be griefed. When buying Premium Accounts, I had hoped we were paying for some level of Support. Up until about a year ago, this was indeed the case. We certainly should NOT be expected to Lindens job for them.





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