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Danae Magic

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Everything posted by Danae Magic

  1. I had the Phoenix Viewer and i had the firestorm viewer also i had test it with the imprudence viewer Yes i had rlv.
  2. Hello i had a problem with other viewer i cant sitting on poseballs or chairs. only sit on the ground with the ao is for me allowed. i see the it that i could sit but the button is grey and i cant choose it. only with the original viewer its possible to sit. Best regards. Dana
  3. Schon mal überlegt über die Bloodlines Datenbank einen netten Clan zu suchen?
  4. Clans gibte es zu hauf. was suchst du denn genau ein RP ? hast du dich denn über das Vampirsein schon informiert?
  5. Hallo Efelias, melde dich doch mal IG bei mir ich bin Vampir in einem deutschen Clan. gruss Danae
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