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Joshya Ghost

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Everything posted by Joshya Ghost

  1. I am looking to invest in SL business and new business ideas. I am looking for people with serious business ideas or existing businesses with a sound business plan that may need some help finanacially to grow. I can also offer experienced SL Marketing and Business advice. Please contact me either inworld or at Joshyaghost@gmail.com for more info. Include a detailed description of your business or business idea so that I can prescreen your offer. Thank you. Joshya Ghost
  2. I am looking to contract hire someone to be involved in the development and growth of my SL business consulting and other business ventures. Previous RL experience in business/sales/marketing is required to be considered for this position. This job will require someone having the time and energy to devote to being involved in the SL business and marketing scene. This job pays a percentage on the profits made from the business. This percentage is open to discussion based on previous work experience and expected business revenue. Please contact me for more information either inworld or at joshyaghost@gmail.com Thank you. Joshya Ghost
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