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jordan Cannoli

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Everything posted by jordan Cannoli

  1. I got that too, but there still will be large spaces/experiences. I don't see LL not having some way to connect large areas or create places for vehicles etc
  2. As of recently, I've been following the few and far between information released about Sansar, and it sounds promising. Ebbe seems like he has a clear vision of the platform he wants to create, and I feel like he's dedicated to the platform. I've been playing Second Life since early 2005, and there is something I really miss about the platform. Between 2005-2006, the playerbase was really involved in the mainland, the sandboxes were social hubs, and people regularly traveled across the mainland sims in vehicles. It felt more like a community of creators than the SL of today, which is mostly a consumer platform with few new developments. I'd really like to see LL relaunch the "Linden Department of Public Works" or the Mole Program, a initiative in which creators build on public land and the land is open to the public. The public land can be explored, used as a communication hub, charity events, vehicle regions, etc Another Suggestion: ~ Launch a Mentorship program The bounce rate on SL (and most F2P games) is pretty bad, most players don't log back in after they first come inworld. I've seen a few of my friends try and figure out SL over the years and was surprised at how confusing they found it. A mentorship program could be really beneficial to the community and the company. It would lead to a drastically lower bounce rate and more conversation of players -> customers. Truthfully, this should be incentivized to really motivate people. Something like this: * A mentorship request is sent like a friend request, you can have 1 mentor, and are free to drop your mentor if your times don't match up or they are unresponsive/unhelpful * The mentee has the option to commend the mentor after a period of time (1 week?), a certain amount of commendations would earn the mentor incentives (reduced tier, Ingame currency) * Or something like if the mentee completes the mentorship and buys L$, the mentor gets a small % once. Mentorship should be by application, and those that pass should be granted access to the equivilent of the tutorial islands of SL.
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