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Zero Starchild

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Posts posted by Zero Starchild

  1. 18 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

    Dude. Read the rules.  Using 5 letters given, make up a sentence, then put your 5 letters for the next person. They can be random, or a 5 letter word.


    Image result for rolls my eyes

    Oops got this mixed up with another post. Nevermind. 

  2. 8 hours ago, SarahThe Wanderer said:

    I don't get why people return objects ( bound boxes ) that not visible, don't take any prims from your land, or affect you in anyway!!

    Because they have nothing better to do but nit pick and look for ways to spoil things for others when something like this makes no hardship whatsoever. You have to be bored to look and care about small things like this. On my mainland plot I love when a neighbour has nice trees overhanging without stealing prims. It looks natural however something like a huge wall or floating junk in the sky I can understand the need to get them removed. If something does not steal your prims, is invisible and phantom, who cares?

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  3. 14 hours ago, Emma Krokus said:

    Just a thought - in no way to bolster up the tier level jumps.

    If you had bought that 2048 with an alt and paid tier on just that (or 2 using the free premium tier) and had them join a land group, it could have been yours?

    But then you end up paying a huge amount for an alts premium just to get that land. You can't win!

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