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Desmond Gothly

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Everything posted by Desmond Gothly

  1. People die at their dinner tables. They die in their beds. They die squatting over their chamber pots. Everybody dies sooner or later. So don’t worry about the death of SL. Worry about your second life. Take charge of your second life for as long as it lasts. The beta of SL 2.0 or whatever it will be called is not until 2015, with the full release at least a year later, maybe more. Even if they shut down SL as it is now, it most likely won't be for a couple of years after the new one goes live.
  2. I purchased some mainland and was standing around for a good 15 minutes when the sim crashed. When the sim came back up, the land I purchased was still owned by the previous owner. I've already paid for the land once, it shows in my transaction history. I shouldn't have to pay twice. I do have a ticket filed with LL, but as usual, they don't like responding very quickly. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? If so, What happened in your case?
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