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McCall Ryder

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Everything posted by McCall Ryder

  1. Using Top Sheer changes the angles of the verticals in a box prim from 90 degrees to a varying slope. What formula converts a top sheer to an angle, or the reverse?
  2. As above, after being in SL for 6 years, I often find, even in simple scripting and in member sandboxes an inability for one prim to hear from another. And don't blame the coder because I've programmed for more than 40 years. "Ownersays at both the receiving end and the sending end, indicate that the message is not heard. I quote: THIS IS IN THE RECEIVING SCRIPT OF PRIM NUMBER 6. link_message(integer fm, integer n, string msg, key id) { llOwnerSay("Prim (#"+(string)llGetLinkNumber()+"heard form#"+(string)n+" and msg = \""+msg+"\" fm #"+(string)fm); ETC } I'm using Firestorm's default compilrer and this sends the message:: ShowStuff() { string Out = ""; Out += "Roof form or style is: "+llList2String(FormNameList,FormNumber)+CR; integer i = FormNumber * 5 + AspectNumber; Aspect = llList2Float(AspectList,i); Out += "Aspect (slant) is: "+(string)Aspect+CR; Out += CR+CR+CR; llSetText(Out,<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0); DB("Sent Aspect="+(string)Aspect+" and FormID="+(string)FormNumber); llMessageLinked(6,FormNumber,"Aspect="+(string)Aspect+" ",NULL_KEY); } HELP! McCall Ryder
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