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Syaoran Nyoki

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Everything posted by Syaoran Nyoki

  1. That has to be what happened. I bet this person dropped the bomb from above somehow. I consider myself wiser now. Thank you so much for your help and time!
  2. Great answer, Rolig. Thank you. Here was what I thought was locked down. No land entry unless you are a group member. I am the only one who grants group membership. It's an educational use parcel so group members can do as they choose as far a building and access. Object Entry and Run Scripts was indeed turned on for Everyone. I have now disabled those for non-group members. The adjacent parcel is water. The griefer was flying around inside the parcel swearing a lot and then set off a nuke. I wasn't there to see it first hand but he was definitely in-land according the the teacher and students. We've never had a problem with griefers and I think he got what he was looking for as far as reaction but I am very curious how he got in-land. I looked at his profile and it is relatively new. It says THIS IS A ROLE PLAYING PROFILE.
  3. Trying to figure out how this griefer person got in. My land is locked down unless you are a member of the group. This person is not a member of any group. Anyone know if there are griefer tools that can get around land rules?
  4. i bought a full perm mesh chair but I have no idea what to do next. It just looks like a bunch of texture files in the inventory. Clearly there's a lot I don't understand but i can't seem to find the answer. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
  5. Thank you everyone. Good solutions one and all. I appreciate your time and efforts to help me. Thank you.
  6. Hey y'all, I am making a quiz game using llDialog to deliver the questions. Easy enough. I am giving the user 60 seconds to answer. As of right now when the 60 seconds is expired the dialog is still active. I need to tell the dialog to either cancel or ignore or make it so any button pushed after the timer expired is not counted. Any of those options are acceptable. I've seen many code examples today but none that deal with this issue. Any ideas?
  7. Why can I hear people talking in other rooms that are over 20m away? Is there a way I can keep voice constrained to one room or a range less than 20m? I teach in a classroom and I can hear other classes and vice versa even though we are over 20m apart.
  8. Thanks Dora. You really helped me out. I realized the problem was between keyboard and chair. It worked fine I just had the wrong values in the wrong axis. Thanks for your time.
  9. Hello. This should be an easy one for a master. I am attempting to create a script that will when an avatar is seated in a chair the camera will look squarely at a presentation screen, no matter which seat the avatar is sitting in. The problem is I can't seem to tell the camera which way is forward. For example - My avatar is sitting in a chair facing the screen. I hit ESC and the camera position is correct - except it is looking at a point 90 to my right. I can't seem to get past this one. Please help me. Here is my script. vector focus = <129,129,455>; vector pos = <126,129,455>; lookAtMe(integer perms) { if(perms & PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA) { vector camPos = pos; vector camFocus = focus; llClearCameraParams(); llSetCameraParams([ CAMERA_ACTIVE, 1, CAMERA_FOCUS, camFocus, CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED, TRUE, CAMERA_POSITION, camPos, CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED, TRUE ]); } } default { state_entry() { llSitTarget(<-0.3,0,0.3>, llEuler2Rot(<0,0,180>*DEG_TO_RAD)); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if(agent) { llRequestPermissions(llAvatarOnSitTarget(), PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { lookAtMe(perms); } } 
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