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Jacquelin Seisenbacher

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Posts posted by Jacquelin Seisenbacher

  1. I'm using Blender 2492 and using the process laid out in this

    tutorial.  In the past I have been able to upload mesh but now I am having to give it 5-6 tries before it even uploads, and then the rigging isn't working.  As in, it isn't rigged at all.  So, in The Case Of The Oversized Bloomers, when I go to wear them, it is just an oversized set of mesh bloomers attached to my hand like a newb cube.  I am using the current official SL viewer.  Is there some glitch going on, or am I completely just messing this up somewhere in the process?

  2. No, not against the TOS, and not abuse.   If you use the gender of your avatar (male or female) to dishonest ends, that also isn't against the TOS, but is definately not okay.


    The really amazing thing, to my mind, is that since we can be anything or any gender, our real person shows through more.  That isn't to say that if you use a female av, you are either affeminate or a perv, there are sooooo many other reasons (the ability to find clothing is a good one), but it does say something about you.  Don't worry, it's probably good

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