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Sailor Vasiliev

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Posts posted by Sailor Vasiliev

  1. On 12/25/2021 at 1:37 AM, Mr Amore said:

    @Candide LeMay Many of these features were under development for years already, they may finally come to fruition in 2022. According to the article we may see the script performance improvements as early as January.


    Whilst it may only cause me to frown, I can see the 'avatar expressions' being a fun and popular addition for many.

    Premium Plus - Are we finally getting 30 second audio files? A second Bellisserian house would be nice too.

    Improved materials - If height maps are coming I'm prepared to forgive LL.



    yes! bigger audio uploads, i was all set to create some really immersive FX with music and sound FX, 30seconds of audio files would make that sooo much better and easier to do, even 60 seconds would be better. id happily pay extra for that ability, and texture uploads of 2048x248 too. and a few extra layers for materials would be great!, or at least 1 more that can be universal allowing for a glow texture layer, where only the non transparent parts can glow, or height map! hoot that would be great


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