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Lisa Figueroa

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  1. logged on this morning to a note card that told me my land had changed ownership from a BDK Holdings owned by a guy called **** (Aparantley I Can't share the sleazeball's name) to a company called German Land Holding, the notecard went on to say the sim I was on was being cleared. I went to see the new owners and they told me that my sim was to be cleared within a few hours and I was to leave immediately. I told the new owners that I had just under three weeks to run on my rental and would like to look at an alternative, I was told that they would not honor my original arrangement and they were not liable for any money I'd paid out. A short extract of the conversation reads; [2013/05/21 01:28] Lisa Figueroa: when will you be closing Jazz Island? [2013/05/21 01:29] (******): today [2013/05/21 01:29] (******): please clear your land immediately before it is lose [2013/05/21 01:29] Lisa Figueroa: wow... okay.... well, I have two and a hlaf weeks remaining on my tier, will you be giving me a refund? [2013/05/21 01:30] (******): no your old tier that you pay by bdk is lost [2013/05/21 01:30] Lisa Figueroa: I'm sorry but that's not acceptable, who can I speak to to get a refund? [2013/05/21 01:32] (******): then please get in linden labs and keep your identity card and ready to spend your pay history. BDK unfortunately had yesterday asked their tenants to pay and still made with the rent money from the dust [2013/05/21 01:33] Lisa Figueroa: so what you're saying is that you are going to kick me off my land today without any compensation? [2013/05/21 01:34] Lisa Figueroa: I'm not being awkward, I just need to know for when I take this as a complaint to Linden Labs [2013/05/21 01:35] (******): We have only taken the sims from bdk to the tenants the chance to let their things to evacuate from the countries in the sims that we can not keep. for the rent that was paid to bdk we are not responsible So you can see my landlord has run off and the new owners are not in the slightest bit sympathetic or helpful, I've been kicked off my land and I've lost over L$4,000. Is there a mechanism where upon I can claim back this money from somewhere?
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