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Killie Howlett

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Everything posted by Killie Howlett

  1. 1). How and why did you get started? Well I started on the Teengrid when it existed, and we didn't have much to choose from. So I decided that instead of everyone wearing nooby clothing, I would take a wack at making clothes that I liked and that others would like as well. I listened to customers and I listened to friend's ideas as well as looking at magazines, (I now have an extremeeely large collection.) Making clothing is fun to me, I don't do it really for anyone anymore just myself to have things I would like. 2). What tools do you use? Do you use mesh, etc.? I use Photoshop, and I buy Sculpties and Mesh components on marketplace 3). Do you make clothes that you would wear in Real Life, or clothes that you would only wear in SL? If I could have everything I've made in secondlife in real life. I'd be one happy girl. So yes I make things casual that I would definately wear in real life. Some things though not so much <3 4). Do you make lingerie, sleep wear, bathing suits, outer clothing, etc. I make outwear and Casual clothing, I've attempted at bathingsuits and undergarments but I never liked how they turned out. 5). Do you show off your clothing creations? Where? Flickr, I don't have much that I've made on it at the moment, I also have a store in world and marketplace.
  2. Hello. To start off: Well my store isn't neccissarily new, it's just i'm back from a little over a year of being off secondlife. I know everyones making mesh items now, I've purchased some full perm builders component mesh items, trying to make things, Anywho. What I'm trying to say, I'm trying to get my little store back out there. I was featured in BOSL magazine when the teens merged with the maingrid, and yadayada, I've been in fashion shows on secondlife, but my large fan base pretty much died while I was gone. So. I'm pretty much starting from scratch trying to get people to buy my items. It was easy back in the days of teengrid because our world was so small, now I'm trying to open my talent out to the large world. I'm currently poor but I do have a store in world right now along with a marketplace store. So i'm just curious on ideas to get people to actually come to my store. I have a large variety in things too. Denim, Jackets, Purses, Accessories (most of the accessories I put in a freebee box so people can get a glimpse of stuff I make that is actually good quality), Uhm I have Mermaids, With AOs I've made, Elf ears, Lolita Dresses, Wedding gowns, 1950s dresses and poodle girl skirts... I have a large variety of items haha. I'm just curious, are there any good groups to join to promote my buisness? I'm already in Fashion Consolated but it seems no one really pays attention to buisnesses that aren't major in that group. Oh and all of my items are under 150L. Most under 100L. So I highly doubt there is anything to argue about with being overpriced haha. so with that being said. Are there any good ways to promote a store? Or am I really messing up by saying I used to design on teengrid and should never mention that? Haha Some videos of my products: mermaids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUNmi3Q45A0&list=UUTgkM8rIcRxW1icVy-IGrSQ&index=16&feature=plcp TL;DR Suggestions on promoting a new store? C:
  3. I have a store with nice non mesh items, I mainly have jeans, and I don't have all of my creations up because I'm just getting my store up and going once again but I hope you check mine out and enjoy it C: I've tried wearing mesh but everything makes my avatar look fat, I'm not really a big fan of it to be honest, yes it looks pretty in pictures but my avatar always ends up looking like a hippo. I suppose mesh is for the avatars with no curves whatsoever D: Check out Madd* c: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Epic/123/143/22
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