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LaylAmoure Latte

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Everything posted by LaylAmoure Latte

  1. HECK YEAH FOX !!!...maybe not an IM 'ding'...but a very audible distinct "UH OH" noise to let you know it is a SL warning not just an average IM would be FABULOUS. thanks for the addition....if people don't want to hear that....then make it a preference you can check or un check has my vote!
  2. I find Phoenix Firestorm a bit more stable....last time I used SL viewer many years ago, same thing happened to me, but I got stuck logging in to my own island and could never teleport or accept teleports, and was stuck on my house balcony for 6 weeks. If I used one of my alt accounts it was fine...but not my main account. 6 weeks is a long time in SL not to be able to go anywhere...someone told me my inventory was too big, but not reducing my inventory, after 6 weeks it mysteriously fixed itself......I have not had any issues with Firestorm, no matter the size of my inventory.
  3. TY....let all your friends know to come vote, LL told me the more action this gets the better change of a developer change. Thanks again
  4. TY.....ask all your friends to come and vote as well....LL told me the more votes we get on this the better change of being heard...Thanks again
  5. The recent rolling restarts on Oct 31, caused me to lose 15K lindens worth of no copy furniture, because I was not aware that LL had stopped "in world notifications" & not to rez, buy items, or purchase money during this time...All I have been getting like everyone else was "restarting region in 5 minutes & the countdown". Only this particular day I had already logged out after rezzing my objects and went to work. I came home to see restart notices and all of my stuff I put out that morning gone. I requested a rollback on my region but later found out that the backup for my region happened about 5 minutes before I rezzed my belongings, and then restart happened a little over 30 minutes later, thus making my changes not saved, and the items were missing from my inventory. When I talked to the support staff via tickets and live chat, I was told then that we have to check the Grid Status blogs before logging in everyday to see these notices. I was also told that in world notices were stopped at some point but they were not sure why, but that it had caused some problems. My guess is people in SL complained about getting them too much. Well I don't know about anyone else but checking the grid blog is a joke, as I could check that every morning and 2 seconds later LL can update it while I am in world and I am screwed again not knowing there was an issue. After having said that, and proceeded to check the grid status every time I log in now, then I found that on Saturday morning, the next day after complaining about it, that everything was ok. So I log in, then during the time I was online that day trying to figure out all I had lost, there were 3 posts while I was online that there were problems I wasn't aware of, now I look today and I see there have been multiple posts daily that show up at any given time. The very thing I was worried about happening has happened multiple days in a row now. Checking this blog every 5 minutes is not a reliable option, if you are doing alot of work in SL. So, please bring back in world notifications!!! If people hate receiving them and would rather check blog, or risk losing everything, then make it a preference that you uncheck if you don't want to see in world notices. With the except for region restart warnings, that would create alot more problems if you stopped those. I would also like to see a closer back up time to your restart than a little over 30 minutes, but if that is not feesible, then at least let me know when I log in that morning that issues, and or, rolling restarts are being experienced today, and to rez at your own risk. I would not have rezzed anything had I known....In 5 years of being in SL I have never lost a thing, when I got those notices, and I would prefer those notices come up and I have to click on them to get them to go away, just in case I am afk getting a cup of coffee or answering a phone call. Like I said...if people do not wish to get them they could always uncheck that in their preferences, but it should be a default for all new residents and for anyone updating their viewer. All those that agree with me.....reply and reply again...the more replies we get, the more the developers will pay attention....I don't know anyone that wants to see their stuff gone for good, or having their builds destroyed. All those with me....give me a "Heck Yeah Layla"!!
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