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Doktor Seuss

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Everything posted by Doktor Seuss

  1. I believe the first answer is the most correct. Subscription devices are an alternative to group membership, and instead of group notices they use notecard inventory offers. I am not getting anything after I reach my cap limit, not notecard dropped by customers, not inventory from anyone or anything (midnight mania etc. boards), etc. The best I Can hope for at the moment is that my email notices still work so at least I know I lost a notecard or prize and can track it down.
  2. for anyone else who goes searching for an answer : is not allowed in a filename on the marketplace.
  3. My i mages are all 512x512 I have tried all acceptable formats, all with the same results. They are not being uploaded from a temporary ditectory, nor did I put the /s in my filename looks like "r-stockings 1000 ad:blue.jpg" Though mention of / I wonder if : is a preblem, has not been before but it has been years since I last uploaded to MP
  4. ["Attachment /tmp/r-stockings 1000 ad:blue20141209-27104-pvsg0f.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.", "Attachment /tmp/r-stockings 1000 ad:blue20141209-27104-pvsg0f.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.", "Attachment /tmp/r-stockings 1000 ad:blue20141209-27104-pvsg0f.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.", "Attachment /tmp/r-stockings 1000 ad:blue20141209-27104-pvsg0f.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.", "Attachment /tmp/r-stockings 1000 ad:blue20141209-27104-pvsg0f.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command."]I am getting the above error with no change other than the name everytime I try to upload an image to the marketplace. I have changed formats, etc. just in case. The images in question have already been uploaded in world, and are working fin on the vendors. Anyone have an idea what is broken, and where (here or LL)?
  5. follow up question as I just discovered I can not vend a ready to wear folder from a vendor... if I change a product from "needs land" to "wear" and script an unpack so I can vend the same product from MP and my inworld vendors will I be falling afoul of the TOS etc.?
  6. Both I and google have gotten tired of looking through responses that don't quite answer this question so it will be asked :) I have several ancient items from the old magic box days, I.E. boxed "need land" to unpack and use, I do not want to fall afoul of the MP rules, which I have apparentl,y already done as there are items disabled I did not disable (And no note I can find as to why they are disabled). Am I okay to simply upload a folder with the contents of the box, associate the listing with the new item and go on about my business or will the change from a single item "the box" to a folder cause me unexpected grief? I assume it is ok to add and change photos in the listing as I can't see anywhere that could be a rpbolem, but can see where, in my mind at least, it could be a problem to change an item from a box to a folder. SO regarding the disabled items which I had no reason to disable myself, and assume, since they all made it into my store originally when changing from a magic box to the MP in folder, is there a note somewhere I am missing explaining why those have disabled?
  7. Innula, most of my huds have "on" and "off" conditions, the "on" conditions are all the same size on each hud, likewise the "off" condition has a smaller less obstructive size when the hud is inactive. The "on" condition may have 2 to 4 faces (all in the same texture, just rotated) and is almost always quite large. If I wanted to keep the top/bottom (depending on where the hud is atached) at the same level so one could, for example, set the skirt adjust hud to attach "bottom left" and the bottom of the hud "on" or "off" would ride the bottom of the usable screen area, same position left to right. I have noticed that several of the huds I have obtained from other users can remember their position, figure the movement for the other condition, etc. I am currently using 2 prims and rotating the object between the two prims and would prefer to lighten the prim load (assuming that all of these huds take some resources per prim, either/both server/user side, as well as the script load) to a single prim, but I am apparently not as clever as some other people are. These people have not answered messages, and I suspect since updates/new-products have ceased that they have taken a vacation as I have done. I had already figured that the solution would be more than a single llCheckSomething(), and gave up on moved checking long ago for anything other than a craft or the whole avatar. .
  8. Last time myself and/or my partners were active all of the markets we sold in allowed bulk editing of items price (probably other things as well, but that is the one we ALWAYS used). Can this be done now, or is it one at a time 1980's technology? ...ETA... I have played with the current "one answer for all checked fields" bulk editing and that is inappropriate/unusable for a weekend sale etc. where you want to change the price of a couple dozen randomly priced products as one could do with what became the SLM and died as almost all other marketplaces I/we experienced as a merchant. I have some RL issues which make spending a lot of time on SL projects something like actually doing something instead of watching TV figuratively rotting where I sit, and it keeps my brain challenged since LSL has never been a "perfect" solution, and not always followed the documentation even on a good day, otherwise I would be like my partners, logging in once in a while to answer the odd message and looking for a 3rd life LOL.
  9. This is exactly how I solved the problem, and it was a park bench LOL When anyone sat on the bench it would report this capability, and then you had the choice of full public or llRegionSayTo psuedo private conversation, it would handle up to 4 people, but I suspect it could easily be expanded to be the whole bar, or all of the park benches, etc.
  10. Can I tell when a hud has been edited/moved easily? (now the long version) I am working on several HUDs, and suspect my main issue at the moment is Venusian brain fog or similar, but maybe this is not possible in a simple manner. I want to be able to rotate the single prim of the hud to different faces with different images, 2 faces are 0.2x0.1 and the 3rd face is 0.2x0.025. So when the button is clicked to change the sides I want to keep the appropriate position, so lets say the hud it attached to bottom, I want to keep the same left/right (easy, don't do anything) and bottom position. I have no problem setting a position based on attachment point, and then making appropriate adjustments when it is rotated, but if the user adjust the hud to a new location the only way I have found so far is to record it's position every time it is touched and then figuring the position for the other face-format at the same time. I suppose I could use a timer, but I suspect that is a bit laggier than if I just use the touch but I also suspect someone is going to move the hud and then detach without touching it so it will have the original positions remembered when it is attached again.
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