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Eyal Laryukov

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  1. >"You already got your answer. It was deleted. It's a violation" No, actully, LL never gave that answer. they never gave ANY answer. they have never replied to the ticket "why was this game returned", and they have never said that the game was in violation of ToS. That resoning, is the brain child of people trying to GUESS why LL did what they did. And believe me, the game dev' team have much better guesses, but they are not into playing any guessing games. the game creators, the hundreads of sim owners, and the countless of players of the game deserve an answer. be that answer "oops, we made a mistake", or "we don't like games that start with the letter 'b' ". we deserve an answer.
  2. > "... I'd have thought it would then be a simple matter to say to LL ..." yes, one would think it would be so simple. I'm not sure of the exact conversation the game creator had with which LL emplee. I do know LL have been to the game creator's sim, and the two did talk about the game. all the games are being own by an alt of one of the game's team members (obviuosly you would not want to be using your own account as the owner of game that deal with a lot of money transfers; this is how it's done with almost any grid wide game). That alt has clear instrucations about who's the games own, and who should be contacted in cases of problems. I agree that in cases of mega prims, contacting the creator is a null point, but when the owning account says "contact this guy, he's the creator", you should.
  3. "I get that, but I'm now increasingly confused about the sequence of events." ok, I'll try to explain it as best I can. the game has been out for some time like all SL games, it was buggy. some times failing to pay the winners. I don't know if it was AR'ed back than, but I'm pretty sure that over the first few weeks of it's release, someone was unhappy, and reported it. in many cases where a player complaint directly to the game team, the issue was looked into, and even in cases where the player was wrong, he was refunded, or paid the amount he was suppose to win. most likely, as a result of these first weeks, the game was looked over by LL, and they have made contact with the game creator, and in the end, they saw nothing ToS viloating about the game. last week, a land owner requested that a byngo game be placed in his land. in under 5 hours, and before THAT game (on that sim) was played even once, that game board was returned. this was the first strike aginst the game; the account owner was told "no farther action is needed of you". 3 days latter, the game owning account recved a second strick, this time, as a result of a game that was rezzed LONG ago on a very populear sim. having recved two stricks in such a short time span, it was clear that if the game was allowed to continue to run, a third strick might come, before the issue of the first would be resolved, something that would probably cause the deletion of the account, the loss of all the money that was in it, and probably effecting all the members of the game's team. it was decided that the best (yet painful) course of action, was to pause the game, and wait for an "ok" from LL.
  4. "According to the FAQ on the subject ........ they'll contact the creator" this is where the problem started, they did NOT contact the creator, they did NOT test the game, and they did not allow the game creators to deffand thier creation. the game was returned for no APPERANT reason, in a manner that is aginst the ToS that LL has had us sign (in a sanse, LL has broken the writen contract they have with the game owner, and by doing so, caused real life damage to the game's team income). yes, this game has only "very little" skill to it, just like many other such games (zyngo, or many of the kickers). however, LL has already reviewed and OK the game months ago (it has been out and active for more then 6 months). this is what the this thread is about.
  5. well, first, you have about 5 sec' to click the number. second, you get 5 wilds, that you have to use wisely
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