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Azimuth Somme

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Everything posted by Azimuth Somme

  1. Wow after so long. turns out this curse is purely from PreloadSound. Removing that fixes the issue
  2. I also currently have this issue, and the reason you hear it 'randomly' and sometimes when you turn (at least for me) is: The sound plays every time your viewer hears a sound for the first time after playing it.| I have this with a HUD, if I play a sound (I have a few different types) when I right click, the sound plays again, when I open an IM window it plays again. When something in world makes a sound it plays again etc. Unfortunately, no one else hears this, and I have made HUDs before and not had this problem. I have never used sound queuing, but I do use preload. I have even tried switching the scripts to another object and still have the issue.
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