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Rob Adelaide

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Everything posted by Rob Adelaide

  1. Hi Whirly, Send you the video link via IM. Thanks, Rob
  2. So let me put it this way: I have a .mp4 H.264 video hosted on my own server. It's not using flash. It's not using QuickTime. It's a standard, H.264 video as you'd upload to YouTube or Vimeo or whatever. What do I have to do to play this video file in-world? The official viewer won't play it. Firestorm won't play it. Singularity won't play it. I can play it just fine in VLC or QuickTime player, I can play it in my browser usingthe VLC plugin. So did LL just adopt a video format *literally nobody* is using? Did they switch so every 'media' stream (even the parcel-based one) is just a web page? Do I have to get an HTML5 streaming player set up on my server to play my files? Because that would royally suck and be way too inconvenient to use. Also, to anyone saying the hosting server determines playback, that's nonsense. It's a pile of data, nothing more. What opens it determines playback. -Rob
  3. I'm looking for a full-prim private island. If you have one for sale, please shoot me a message in-game. I'm happy to take over the monthly payments and pay the transfer fee, cash in hand. Thanks! Rob
  4. I'm looking for a full-prim private island. If you have one for sale, please shoot me a message in-game. I'm happy to take over the monthly payments and pay the transfer fee, cash in hand. Thanks, Rob
  5. Bump...and is this still available? Thanks, Rob
  6. Hello, are any of these sims still available? Will you sell them separately or only as a bundle together? Thank you, Rob
  7. It would be mighty nice to know these acceptance criteria. Considering this is SL and not Crysis 5 I should think my computer should be able to handle it. If I can play the latest and greatest games, but SL will not run on my machine, it's a problem with SL and not my machine. Looks like I'll come see how SL's getting on in another 6 months. Maybe by then, they'll actually want to ATTRACT people instead of driving them away.
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