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Stacia Zabaleta

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Everything posted by Stacia Zabaleta

  1. I am basically having the same problems with adding new products to the marketplace. I had went a month or so without uploading anything because it took me the better part of an afternoon to add 4 new products, which should have taken me 10 minutes tops. I have been selling on the marketplace for about 4 years now, so it isn't as if this is rocket science. But the constant errors, pages not loading and work you have entered disappearing is outrageious and frustrating to say the least! After a month of waiting for things to be "fixed", I again attempted to add a few items and spent an evening in frustration. I eventually got the items listed, but it felt like a huge waste of time doing something that should be so simple!! Again, I understand that the MP is undergoing some major changes, but that is no excuse for the website to be bogged down to the point that I cannot even upload new items. This is potentially costing me sales, and LL their alotted comission. My customers are not getting the benefit of easy access to my products either. This is definately a lose-lose-lose situation all around! You would think LL would be rectifying these situations for their benefit and ours.
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