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Nathan Adored

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Posts posted by Nathan Adored

  1. This discussion brought to mind something I saw recently in a tutorial video for DAZ Studio 4 that it'd make sense to have in the SL viewers.  I think it might have been in the first or second video you get sent to when you first run the program.  Briefly they showed a bit where you could take the avatar, any avatar, in there, slide a slider on it, and the av went instantly from adult to kid and back, with all the parts of the body (arms, legs, head, etc) changed to the right proportions for that age.  He slid the slider one way, BOOM!  Instant kid.  Slide it the other way, BOOM!  Instantly adult again.  I saw that and thought, "Wow, I so wish we had that on SL!"  :D


    Seeing as how my persona is based on a character who's been through multiple time warps that made him younger again or older again, it'd be handy.  But it would definately make it much easier to have realistic-looking kid-avs.  So many times, someone takes the provided grown-up av they're given and tries to kid-size it, but gets it all wrong.

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