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MW Boa

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Everything posted by MW Boa

  1. Thanks Lindens for the new tools, They are great additions and they will make SL much better and much more immersive. Would it be possible if you can make animation imports simpler with more widely used formats (such as fbx). It looks like the .anim format Maya exports is not the same .anim format SL expects (or are they the same?).
  2. This could be caused mainly because of a few things; 1- You are using a wrong size bones or wrong bones all together 2- your joint names are wrong. They should be something like mHip etc. They shouldn't have any other words in their name. 3- The most important thing you need to select each joint (each 25 of them) and in the binding menu you need to select "Selected Joints" not "Joint hierarchy". You select each of them (start selecting with low hierarchy and up and don't forget selecting toes, eyes and wrist joints) ~Then hit smooth binding or interactive binding. If the button still disappears that means you forgot to select one or more of the joints.
  3. Animation -> Skin -> Smooth bind (click on the square next to it, this will bring up options window)-> uncheck "Remove unused influences"
  4. Hello, I use Maya. I managed to rig full body and upload it and it worked fine in SL. However when I rig a piece of cloth lets say a jacket or a skirt, "calculate weights" button disappears when I check skin weights. When I was rigging I selected each bone (all 26 of them) and applied smooth binding. Can you suggest any work around or solution to this problem? Edit: I found the solution. On the smooth bind options window I unchecked "remove unused influences". That did the trick:)
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