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punchinello Philbin

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  1. I haven't figured it out yet either. similar problems. I hope someone can help. I found something that helped a little: I went into my Graphics > Hardware Settings > and I turned Enable VBO to off and Filtering to off. That helped a little bit. I crashed less, but still crashed a few times. Any computer gurus out there that can help us?
  2. I hear ya bucky...I just am hopeful this is a nice move in the right direction ... jeez, after your post, I checked out Unity...new toys ugh (won't see the sun anytime soon!)...across the board it's features are solid. though i wonder how it's 3rd party developer commerce is connected to its community...and how it's doing...
  3. nah that might just an innate fear of the unknown kind of thing the sl body is already a mesh, we can just make other meshes and more diverse meshes. but animation is a very important part of that preproduction modeling process for character dev. ::coughs to lindens:: yes there will be some less developed looking meshes, but you'll have some highly developed ones (aesthetically speaking) and everything in between and that may be found to be agreeable to a wide range of artists in sl. it just depends on the artists creating them and how they decide to invest into, and use, their tools. it won't be that bad of a transition. it may be a hard truth, but there's nothing extraordinary about these 'tool's. they will just raise the bar of what those in sl can produce. on one side you have a hammer or saw, and the other offers a chisel or scalpel. its just more precision and more tools in the toolbox to create. most importantly lindens are investing into its' future. for research, checking out the most significant games in the market, Electronic Arts or Blizzard just for example, all/most use Maya, Max, and/or zbrush as an accessory. Why is that? How is their game play? Visuals? Interactivity? Fanbase/community? Future? so if one is thinking of the 'big picture' and longevity of sl, the Lindens are keeping up w/ the Jones' so to speak and then some- with the 3d visual artist tools in mind. a quick demise, or short tenure in 3d arts are seen to individuals and companies that fall in love w/, or get polarized around a particular tool set. the companies that endure through the years in the cg industry have a history of finding the 'right' tools, keeping an eye out for the next set of tools/tech, and moving forward with them only if it is a 'necessity',- else they may get left in the dust. with the visual artist in mind, in this light, this is all a great move by the Lindens. ::cough...skeletal rigs and animation import from maya...cough::
  4. aside from the flame wars.... lindens, if you're reading this...would it be possible to expand further into mesh imports with Maya/3dmax animation exports and skeletal rigging as well? I ask this as those of us experienced in mesh developing (poly or nurbs) often need to test our surface topology through animation (i.e. to see if the mesh takes well to skeletal deformations- joints bending, muscles flexing/contracting, skin gliding over bone, blendshapes, and how textures lay upon them during these movements)- a push and pull between modeling and animation; rather modeling dictated by animation as character meshes will be moving/be animated. i could explain more in greater detail of this as a necessity for proper/efficient production workflow between the platforms if needed (feel free to email etc.)... plus the animation tools for maya specifically are just industry standards for producing the highest quality of cg animation. it'd be amazing for all in the sl community to experience, integrate, and benefit from that side of the cg arts. @lindens...any thoughts or clue into this idea? i hope this may find value with you in your mesh development roadmap. ::crosses fingers::
  5. ahhh...the handcuffs will be off...let the real fun begin. awesome news sl development team!
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