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cili Firanelli

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Everything posted by cili Firanelli

  1. With regard to response times to abuse reports a very helpful person in Live Support told me within 48 hours, but then that was a week ago and we're still waiting. When we had a griefer attack some time ago it was all dealt with by the time I logged in. My neighbour reported it and told me about it afterwards. Our incident doesn't sound as bad as that of the OP but still, getting a tirade of abusive and obscene rants against Linden Lab appearing in your name in local chat and objects with obscene names asking to abnimate your avatar every time you log in or return to the region is not what you want. And that is after you have fought your way through the dense cloud of particles to isolate one of the moving invisible objects in order to find the owner and block him and hide the particeles.I am glad I'm not trying to run a business in the region. We already got rid of the ones we can but the remaining ones are on a parcel belonging to someone who hasn't logged in in months and the rest on abandoned land owned by Governor Linden. Customer 'Support (Can anything have ever been so misappropriately named?) don't want to know. They just tell be they can't deal with and file another report. We have all been filing reports since last Sunday. I can't imagine any other business having its paying customers subhect to a tirade of obscene abuse and customer support saying they can't deal with it. It only needs someone with admin privileges to visit the region, type in the name of the griefer and then click the delete objects button and the immediate problem is dealt with. It would take less time than it took the customer support person to write a reply to my ticket. The Live Chat person I originally contacted even visitied the region to have a look so it can't be that hard to organise if the will was there.
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