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Robby Pomeray

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Everything posted by Robby Pomeray

  1. I'm reading this for a while now and here's my 2 ct. Before LL abandonned the last SL Mentor program, I was active there and I enjoyed helping a lot and continued that in some other mentor groups that were formed afterwards. I aculattly haven't noticed much of the 'political' or whatever quarrels that are rumoured to have happened in the background. Jump forward a cpl of years and these days, with some other volounteers I am still at Welcome Island helping new arriving residents there. We do that as volounteers, no one outside Welcome Island notices us, there is no compensation, we don't wear fancy tags. It amazes me how many come out of the buhes now with great ideas and a helpful attitude and I wish you were there when I was alone at Welcome Island and surrounded be 12 new arrivals at one point yesterday. Now LL wants to take the mentoring on a new level again, something which I welcome. Terms and conditions appy. It is volounteering and if you don't like the terms and conditions, stay away. I have applied and I guess a cpl more. I don't look for compensation, it's the feeling that I have done - payed back to the SL community of hich I'm part of already a few years. There was no SL Mentor program at all for the past years, so it's a start that LL recognizes the importance again. How it will turn out, if changes will be made in the process,only time can tell. Sometines a new residence asks me about the biggest change I noticed over the years in SL and the first thing I mention is that the community spirit from the old days has gone. This discussion is a very good example for that. Sorry, as English isn't my native language, you can keep any typos you find.
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