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poison Luminos

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Everything posted by poison Luminos

  1. Maybe I can help clear this up a wee bit. My husband can be long winded. So here is the basics. He has specific people on mute who then decided to go around the mute by contacting me to harass him. He made a will not rp with list basically because they continued to bother him AFTER muting. Then, they continued on even worse by giving me issues. Now, no. I am not saying names because the entire thing is dumb and their issue for giving us trouble to begin with when all we want is to be left alone and spend time with friends. They believe that bullying others to do as they wish is how things are done and it is not. So, I have suggested to Jack that he simply report them for harassment and be done with it. They have been muted and blocked here and on Facebook and continue to go around that by sending messages through other people. They have made threats to both he and I over the stupid stuff and I have informed him I have washed my hands of it and have suggested to him to do the same. I believe it more bothers him because of the issues I am being caused by the entire stupid thing. That is simply my take on it, take it or leave it. But I hope it clarified his reasoning for his post for those who seem to think he is only looking for drama.
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