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Flare Coba

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Everything posted by Flare Coba

  1. I'm having issues along those lines. Intel graphics card, windows 8, and I just checked for updates so everything is up to date. Anyone able to help? Updating question 1) The make and model of your PC or Laptop It's a Samsung. Don't really know more details. Purchased about 6 months ago if that helps. 2) Your Operating System As I mentioned Windows 8, much to my dismay 3) The make and model of your computer's Graphics Card or Subsystem. Intel HD 4000 me thinks 4) The Speed and quality of your ISP. Don't remember. 5) [Optional] A bag of Chocolate for the SL Answers Volunteers Would be happy to, if I could. Update: Attempts to update as suggested have failed. Contacting Samsung themselves to see if further updates can be seen. Update again: Per Samsung's instructions, all updates have been performed. My driver is up to date as far as they see. However, the issue is still there.
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